Moodle basics for teachers


This course will give you the basic skills for using Moodle learning environment as a tool for your teaching. The course is intended for international staff working in the Viikki campus and having none or little experience on using Moodle as a teacher.

The course will focus on basic functions and tools of Moodle: user interface, course settings, uploading files, creating pages, adding and managing discussion forums and assignment activity modules.

Monday 20 January,  at 12.15 – 15.45. Info Centre Korona (Viikinkaari 11), computer lab 138.

Registration form: Please register latest on Friday 17 January at noon.

For further information, contact e-learning coordinators Outi Valkama (outi.valkama at or Ulla Lehtonen (ulla.m.lehtonen at

Organized by Viikki e-learning support network.