Changed for life?

Not too long ago I was contacted by a journalist who asked me if I knew of any research as to the consequences of studying abroad. A surprisingly simple question I thought first, but after a while I had to conclude that there really is no solid research as to how people are affected if and when the study outside their home country. This is very surprising because practically all universities are sending and receiving students from abroad and millions of students are undertaking full degrees or exchange periods in foreign universities. Why do we do it, and why do you?

Do not get me wrong, I am not questioning your decision to come to Helsinki. Quite the opposite. I am just saying there is no scientific proof of what this will do for you. I was an exchange student in the US for a year when I was in high school. And apart from learning English I really cannot pinpoint how I was changed as a result of this experience. But I am very convinced that my life would have been very different without having spent the year away from home. Maybe I would not even be writing this blog entry…?

You are just about to be exposed to the Finnish way of life, the learning environment and fellow students at the University of Helsinki. You will meet people you probably would not have met without having opted to study with us. You will of course learn things in classrooms or laboratories but I would still guess that you will learn an equal amount outside classes. I am not advocating skipping classes but rather that you open yourself to all kinds of new opportunities and make the most of your time at the University. And hopefully you look back ten or twenty years from now, you can be as convinced as I am based on my study abroad experience that I would not change it for anything.

Welcome to be changed for life!

Markus Laitinen
Head of International Affairs