Erasmus students in Helsinki

Are you an Erasmus student in Helsinki and wondering about who to contact? We have gathered instructions here for you.

Do you need a signature and stamp for your Learning agreement or changes to your Learning agreement?

First, contact your own Faculty to get the Departmental coordinator approval and signature. You can find the contact info here

Second, come to the International Exchange Services to get the Institutional coordinator approval. We can sign the paper when it already has the signature of the Departmental coordinator.

Do you need a signature and stamp for your Erasmus arrival or departure certificate?

If the paper needs to be signed by the Institutional coordinator, then you are welcome to come to the International Exchange Services office to get the signature. Kindly note that we need to follow Erasmus regulations about these, e.g. we cannot, for example, sign the Departure certificate months in advance.

Do you need your certificate of Attendance to be signed at the university?

Most home universities require their outgoing students to have their Certificate of Attendance filled in and signed at the host university before going home. You should check at your home university if you need us to fill in the Certificate of Attendance. Most universities have their own form, that they require to be filled in, but if needed, you can also get the form from us before your departure.

How to send the documents to your home university?

You can use the scanners at the Aleksandria learning center, street address: Fabianinkatu 28.

Where is the International Exchange Services office?

You can find us in the University main building, street address: Fabianinkatu 33, 1st floor. We are open Mon-Thu 10 am – 3 pm.  You can come on any of these days to get the Institutional coordinator signature.

If you have other, very specific Erasmus issues, then please visit us on Tuesdays or Thursdays, because those are the days when the Erasmus experts are in the office.

See you in the main building!

Coordinators from the International Exchange Services