Vappu – celebrating spring and student life!

Vappu_banner_facebookIt is time to welcome the sun and warmth! The 30th of April and 1st of May it is the time of the big carnevalistic spring celebration: Vappu. Spring has finally arrived and you can see people celebrating all over Helsinki. Many will be wearing the Finnish student cap, ylioppilaslakki, which they got when they graduated from high school.

On the 30th of April
VappuThe Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) will cap the Havis Amanda statue on the eve of May Day. The festivities begin at 5pm by washing the statue. The statue will get a student cap on her head at 6pm. Manta will be capped by HYY Board and the Student Union’s committee members do the washing. The cap and cappers will arrive at the statue from the New Student House (Mannerheimintie 5) in a procession which starts at 4.15 pm.

In Finland, we usually drink sparkling wine or a low-alcohol mead called sima on Vappu. Bring your own food and drink and hang on to your friends, the streets are crowded (for once). Vappu is also usually celebrated in colorful wigs, sunglasses, face and hair paint, streamers and balloons, and if you have student overalls, this is the time to wear them!

On May Day, 1st of May
The Flower DayOn May Day morning the party continues in Kaivopuisto park where all students gather to celebrate (except the Swedish speaking students who gather in Kaisaniemi park at 9 a.m.). It’s like a big picnic, so bring something warm to sit on and your own food and drink. The dress code is still funny hats/sunglasses and overalls.  Also, it is a must to try traditional Finnish Vappu food such as dognuts and “tippaleipä” (funnel cake) and taste the mead (or “sima” in finnish). They can be found in all grocery stores this time of the year.

Text and picture: Katja Långvik / Student Union of University of Helsinki – HYY