A Very Finnish Christmas

You may have guessed from roadside trees for sale and twinkly lights popping up everywhere that it’s the final countdown for Christmas. But what exactly does that mean in Finland?

There is a very beautiful tradition of visiting the graveyard on Christmas Eve and lighting a candle to place on the grave in memory of those friends and family members not with us anymore. Finnish graveyards also have special areas that are for all those without a resting place or buried elsewhere which anyone is welcome to visit. Hietaniemi cemetery can be visited at Hietaniemenkatu 20.

Father Christmas is called ‘joulupukki’ in Finnish and he lives in Lapland (ask him yourself if you don’t believe me!). But because he lives so close Finnish children get the benefit of being first on the list and they get their presents on 24th December.  It is fairly common Santa arrives on the doorstep at some point during the day and personally hands out the presents.

Continue reading “A Very Finnish Christmas”

Interested in Becoming a Student Ambassador?

Student ambassadors are student volunteers who love to share their experiences and introduce new students to the community. The ambassadors work in co-operation with the Admissions Services to help convince prospective students why the University of Helsinki is the perfect match for them.

Student Ambassadors

  • Write blog posts
  • Answer questions from potential new students (mainly Facebook and e-mail)
  • Post on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat
  • Represent UH at student fairs and other events (Welcome Fair, Coffee with the ambassadors, Q&A etc.)
  • Make videos about student life
  • Take part in student recruitment photo shoots and interviews when needed
  • Give feedback on marketing material (brochures etc.) when needed
  • Generate new ideas for peer-to-peer marketing

This is an exciting opportunity to be an active participant of the university world and a great way to enhance your university experience! You will also get a diploma for being an ambassador.

We kindly ask you to send your free-form application with

– a short info on who you are and what experience you have especially operating in social media
– what you are studying
– why you want to become a student ambassador

to marjo.eskola@helsinki.fi by November 30, 2016. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us.
