Why to join the Student Union of the University of Helsinki?

The concept of student union was not new to me as it exists in almost every country. Still, when I came to Finland, I was astonished by the functioning and influence of student unions in Finland.

When I got accepted in the University of Helsinki, for the confirmation of my admission I was supposed to pay around 100 euro for Helsingin yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (HYY) [The student union of the University of Helsinki]. I admit this didn’t make me very happy. At that time, I assumed HYY is just some other student union which probably won’t do anything. Again to my surprise, I was totally wrong.

Before I go any further, I would like to make a little introduction about HYY. It came into being in 1868 making it the oldest students union in Finland. Due to its rich history, culture and well-structured organization it has always made a big influence on the National politics of Finland. Apart from its extensive history HYY is the largest in Finland with approximately 32,000 members and making it one of the richest student unions.

Viikki kesa¦êkuu 2014-30
Mian and Li at the Ladonlukko Unicafe restaurant.

Where does all this money and influence go? Continue reading “Why to join the Student Union of the University of Helsinki?”

Browse the new International Master’s Programmes brochure!

kansi2015One of the world’s leading universities is looking for bright new students. Think clear, head north!

University of Helsinki is among the world’s leading multidisciplinary research universities regularly reaching the Top 100 in global university rankings. Helsinki has been ranked as the World’s Most Livable City and Finland as the World’s Best Country. Finland is also in the Top 10 of most highly educated nations in the world. Could the conditions for getting your academic career started be any better?

For international applicants UH offers a comprehensive selection of research-oriented two-year International Master’s Programmes. Browse the new brochure for more information about the programmes, admissions and student life from here!

By the way, the next application period begins December 1, 2014 and closes January 30, 2015 at 16:00 (GMT +2). Please note that the University of Helsinki has only one application period per year for graduate students.

Applying to University of Helsinki as an exchange student

Photograph by Eeva Anundi

Has your home university selected you for student exchange at the University of Helsinki for the spring semester 2015? Congratulations, you are making a good choice! In total, University of Helsinki welcomes about 1000 exchange students each year, for one term or for the full academic year.

If you have already been nominated by your own university, you have taken the first steps towards becoming an exchange student. The next steps of the application process are outlined below.

Continue reading “Applying to University of Helsinki as an exchange student”

Running in Finland: An International Student’s Perspective

bridge_austinMy name is Austin Sears and I am currently one of University of Helsinki’s International Student Ambassadors. Last year I checked out the Midnight Run on a whim after seeing the Facebook post about it and found myself cheering on the runners from the steps of the University’s Main Building in the Senate Square. I thought about participating, but I was recovering from an injury I got while running last summer.

This year is a bit different. Like Dina, who wrote this handy little guide, I am participating in the Midnight Run on August 30th and I am very excited about it! Continue reading “Running in Finland: An International Student’s Perspective”

Language courses at the UH

Maisteriohjelmaesite kesa¦ê 2013-32Learning some Finnish makes sense once you have settled down in Helsinki and at the University. Although it is easy to get by in English at least in the Metropolitan Area to really integrate into Finnish society it makes a lot of sense to learn Finnish. Knowledge of Finnish is also extremely helpful if you seek a job here.

The University has Finnish courses for both degree and exchange students.  The Finnish courses are organized by the Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies. More information is available on the Department website. If the courses offered by the Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies don’t fit into your schedule, you can find information on other options on the Learning Finnish website. Continue reading “Language courses at the UH”

Meet our alumnus! Tianyan Liu “Computer Science is revolutionizing all aspects of our lives”

tianyan liu_universityofhelsinki
Tianyan Liu holding the Alumnus’ speech at the International Graduation Event, May 2011.

Tianyan Liu
Study field: Computer Science (Intelligent Systems), minor in Economics
Graduated: 2010
Employer and position: Viivamedia Oy, Software Developer

Hi Tianyan, how did you end up studying computer science in Finland?

My dad used to work in the Chinese Embassy, and I came here to study when I was 18. What motivated me to study Computer Science was the fact that computer related technologies have become the force that is revolutionizing all aspects of our lives. It has a good job prospect, and is also important for basically any career path. During my studies, what motivated me were the interesting studies provided by the university, and the brilliant people around me. Continue reading “Meet our alumnus! Tianyan Liu “Computer Science is revolutionizing all aspects of our lives””

Get involved in the community of students

uusi100vThe active and diverse community of students at the University of Helsinki is something unique, and one of the biggest upsides of the university. All degree students are automatically part of the Student Union (HYY) – and what’s best, also the exchange students may join it!

The Student Union is for providing friends and benefits for its members: It is home to 250 different student organizations, it organizes events, offers services and supports in difficult situations. In addition to the services and events organized by HYY, also the student organization within HYY such as student nations or faculty organizations are offering great variety of activities, from board game nights to huge parties and from choir singing to dinner parties – so something for everyone, basically!

The handiest and funniest way to get to know about the Student Union is taking part in welcoming events organized in collaboration by HYY and university: Welcome Fair for international students in Aug 27 – 28, the Opening Carnival in Sep 1 or the Freshman adventure (Fuksiseikkailu) in Sep 25.

Joining HYY is easy: just visit the website to get to know about everything HYY has to offer, then follow the instructions to pay the membership fee and ta-dah: You’re a member!

Join HYY
– Follow us on Facebook.

Text and picture: HYY

Getting ready for the Midnight Run: solo runs or in a group?

Midnight run pikkukuvia-16We will not surprise anyone by carrying a winning smile and a happy attitude during the Midnight run, as most people will have those on as well. The ability to wear them in case we like is precious though, and few things are better for building up the confidence than fitting in some training beforehand. Practicing running solo or in a group – each has its perks.

We will start the 5-10 km runs every Saturday at 10 am. Check out the schedule at the end of the post and join us! Continue reading “Getting ready for the Midnight Run: solo runs or in a group?”

July is a summer vacation month

HSS Nuuksio-53July is here and that means that life at the University of Helsinki is slowing down.

Most of the staff is on summer holidays in July, so we ask you to be patient if you do not get an answer to your email straight away.

We’ll be back at the beginning of August and we hope to see all of you new students at the Welcome Fair on August 27-29, 2014!

More information on the Welcome Fair and the orientation is available on the Orientation website.

Wishing you a sunny and warm summer!

Admissions Services, International Exchange Services and Student Services

Photo: Veikko Somerpuro