Active students, student life and campuses

Student life is rich and diverse in Helsinki. All undergraduates and graduate students at the University of Helsinki are members of the Student Union (HYY). Approximately 250 various student organisations operate within HYY and they organise thousands of events every year.

Picture: CISSI

Furthermore there are faculty and department clubs, interest groups and clubs, the Student Nations, etc. They all have their own style of doing things, however it may be connected to a major, a hobby, an ideology, or even to the region where the students originally came from. If you enjoy singing, sports, or the theatre, you will find many choirs, orchestras, sports clubs, and theatre groups you can join in. Or maybe you’d like to start something entirely new like a couple of our International Student Ambassadors did. Continue reading “Active students, student life and campuses”

Enjoying midsummer celebrations – Juhannus

Midsummer (juhannus in Finnish) for Finns means celebration and the long, white night which is said to be the “nightless” one (yötön yö). In the Helsinki region the sun sets at about 22.50 and rises again already around 4.00 o’clock in the morning. In the Northern Finland the sun does not set at all! The nightless night of Finnish midsummer gives a great contrast to the darkness of the winter time.


Many Finns leave the cities for Midsummer and spend time in their countryside cottages. Midsummer celebrations traditionally include bonfires, sauna, good food, possibly swimming and of course spending time together with family and friends! Continue reading “Enjoying midsummer celebrations – Juhannus”

The Orientation Handbook is now available online!

The Orientation Handbook for the academic year 2014-15 is now available online. The handbook contains a lot of practical information that will help you get started with your student life and to navigate through daily life. It includes for example general information about living in Finland and studying in the University of Helsinki.

A printed copy will be given to all new international students at the Welcome Fair in August 2014.

It’s the ultimate survival guide for new students, so have a look at it!

To the Orientation Handbook on our New students website >>

Intensive Finnish for False Beginners – course in August for Master’s students at UH

Have you had the chance to study Finnish yet? Do you find it is difficult to find time to study Finnish while being busy with other studies?

In August 2014 the Finnish department at the University of Helsinki are offering a Finnish language course for UH masters’ students who due to schedule issues have not been able to attend Finnish classes so far.

Registration ends on June 16th, 2014.

More information is available in the attached pdf: Finnish_course_August_2014.

The application time for incoming exchange students ended on 15.05.2014!

vaihtariThe University of Helsinki received this spring from Europe over 600 Erasmus and Nordplus applications and from the other continents in various programmes altogether over 100 applications for the autumn 2014 or for the whole academic year 2014-2015! We want to thank you all warmly for applying!

If your application is approved, you will receive your acceptance letter by e-mail, sent by your host faculty. Acceptance information is usually available around the mid-June or latest by the end of June. Before that your application is considered by your host faculty. Please try to wait patiently! Continue reading “The application time for incoming exchange students ended on 15.05.2014!”

The Flora Day

The Flora Day is the second official celebration of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki. It is the joyful spring festival of all university students, celebrated every year on 13th May at Kumtähti Field in Toukola, right next to Kumpula Campus.

floorafb_pienempiUniversity students have celebrated a spring festival at least from the beginning of the 19th century, and Kumtähti Field was established as the place for the celebration already in the 1830’s. Continue reading “The Flora Day”