Language Back-Up

 Language Back-up


1. Language help

The Language Centre’s “Language Links” (Kielilinkkejä/Språklänkar) – a page with a variety of language links that pertain to the different faculties at the University of Helsinki

BBC World Service English Learning – one of the very best sites for learning and practising English.

English for Academic Purposes – from the University of Hertfordshire UK, lots of good advice and exercises.

Dave’s ESLcafé – lots of interactive resources.

English Club all sorts of resources for learning English.

This British Council website has lots of different ways of learning English.

ESL Help Centre – go to ‘Resources’ at the top right corner


2. Grammar

Internet Grammar of English – online course in English grammar for university students.

Hyper Grammar – prizewinning electronic grammar course from the University of Ottawa.

Abitreenit – YLE pages with all sorts of help and exercises.


3. Words, slang and idioms

Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

Everyday phrases from the extensive English Daily site.


4. Reading

 – a wonderful site for finding good books to read.

The Economist – Britain’s best weekly magazine with good articles for reading practice.


5. Writing

Purdue University On-line Writing Lab

Academic Phrasebank from the University of Manchester. Good advice for academic writing.

Dartmouth College  gives advice on citing sources.


6. Listening

BBC Radio 4 – Great opportunities for listening practice here, often including the tapescripts.


Update: 24 May 2024, SvB and Heikki Saira