Source Materials

 Source materials


1. Newspapers

The Guardian
 – excellent website of daily British newspapere, good culture, education and travel pages.

YLE News in English

USA Today

Los Angeles Times

The New York Times

The Independent – quality daily British newspaper

Newspapers on the Web


2. Magazines

National Geographic Online

Time Magazine

People Magazine


Monocle – website of the upmarket Monocle magazine.

The Economist – Britain’s best weekly magazine with good articles for reading practice.


3. News Channels

CNN Interactive


BBC World Service


4. Cinema

Scripts and Screenplays

Millenium Film Journal – articles about independent, experimental and avant-garde cinema.


5. Online Lectures and Courses

MOOCs – Wikipedia’s information about MOOCs, including a list of providers – huge range of lectures with subtitles


Update – SvB and Heikki Saira, 24 May 2024