Academic writing, homework for the 4th meeting

Task 17

a) decline

b) influx, increase

c) improvements

Task 18

a) view

b) finding

c) problem

d) process

e) difficulty

f) estimation

Task 19

a) method/way

b) decline/change/decrease

c) conclusion, view, deduction

d) phenomenon, situation?,

e) increase, change, rise



I read this geography article Statistical modelling predicts almost complete loss of major periglacial processes in Northern Europe by 2100, published by Juha Aalto, Stephan Harrison and Miska Luoto.

I couldn’t find any contractions, direct questions, or the use of the word you. The article represents academic style. The article is very specialised, and the reader should have some geography background to understand it. The articles style and text is not very fluent and easy to read. Chapters do not necessarily follow each other in a continuous way. The style is very heavy to read. Overall, a great article.


Hours= 11,5+1,5 + 2= 15 h

Third academic writing session and second draft of my summary text

I got some great feedback from Kenneth, and changed my text a bit.


Summary of the article

Kantaväestön pakoa? Miksi maahanmuuttajakeskittymistä muutetaan pois?

Katja Vilkama, Mari vaattovaara and Hanna Dhalmann

Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 2013/5


In the article “Kantaväestön pakoa? Miksi maahanmuuttajakeskittymistä muutetaan pois? (Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 5/2013) Katja Vilkama, Mari Vaattovaara and Hanna Dhalmann have studied the ethnic and socio-economic segregation in the Helsinki metropolitan region. The aim of the study was to investigate the reasons for migration, and to determine whether the so called white flight happens in Helsinki. The white flight theory was originally developed in the United States, and according to the theory the white population of an area starts to move away as the black population grows. The white flight theory in this study is associated with the increase of immigrant population in an area of Helsinki.

For decades, Helsinki has been one of the fastest growing urban areas in Europe, and a major part of this growth has been due to increased migration. The proportion of immigrants is predicted to reach 20 percent by the year 2020. Areal differentiation is becoming a reality in Helsinki, and this can create a number of both social and societal challenges. Suburbs and neighborhoods show increased differences in their level of income, unemployment rate and ethnic structure. Research has also shown that immigrants are more likely to move to areas where the ethnic diversity is already high. Moving behavior can be explained by so called push and pull factors. Push factors are the usually negative features that drive people to move away from an area, while pull factors are positive factors that make an area tempting and appealing. For instance, social problems, an unpleasant environment, a lack of greenspace, feelings of insecurity, and undesirable location can cause people to seek a more suitable living environment.

The main objective of the study was to examine the motives and reasons for the original population to move to a different neighborhood. Does the increasing number of immigrants in an area drive the original population away? Do the increasing socio-economical problems cause the original and usually wealthier population to vote with their feet? The results of the study give interesting answers to these questions.

Hours 9,5+2=11,5


Academic writing, second session and an academic summary

I have attended two academic writing sessions so far. We had a homework assignment to write an academic text. I chose to write an academic summary of an article. My first draft is below. I will write more and work on the style.

Summary of the article

Kantaväestön pakoa? Miksi maahanmuuttajakeskittymistä muutetaan pois?

Katja Vilkama, Mari vaattovaara and Hanna Dhalmann

Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 2013/5


In the article “Kantaväestön pakoa? Miksi maahanmuuttajakeskittymistä muutetaan pois?”(2013) Katja Vilkama, Mari vaattovaara and Hanna Dhalmann have studied the ethnical and sosioeconomical segregation in the Helsinki metropolitan region. The aim of the study was to investigate the reasons for migration, and to determine whether the so called “white flight” happens in Helsinki.

For decades Helsinki has been one of the fastest growing urban areas in Europe, and a major part of this growth has been due to the increase of migration. The proportion of immigrants is predicted to reach 20 percentage by the year 2020. Areal differentiation is becoming a reality in Helsinki, and this can create a number of both social and societal challenges. Suburbs and neighborhoods show more and more difference in their level of income, unemployment rate and ethnical structure. Research has also shown, that immigrants are more likely to move to areas where the ethnical diversity is already quite high. Moving behavior can be explained through so called push and pull factors. Push factors are the usually negative features that drive people to move away from an area, while pull factors are positive factors that make an area tempting and appealing. For instance, social problems, unpleasant environment, lack of greenspace, feeling of insecurity, and bad location can cause people to seek a more suited living environment.

The main objective of the study was to examine the motives and reasons for the original population to move to a different neighborhood. Does the increasing number of immigrants in an area drive the original population to move away? Do the increasing socioeconomical problems cause the original and usually more wealthy population to vote with their feet?


Hours: 4,5+5= 9,5

TED talks and new vocabulary

For this post I listened to three ted talks from different subjects. I wrote down vocabulary that I wasn’t familiar with or I didn’t know the correct transformation for.

an allusion= vihje, viittaus, An indirect reference; a hint; a reference to something supposed to be known, but not explicitlymentioned; a covert indication.

legislature= lainsäädäntöelin, legislation = lainsäädäntö

to prosecute = nostaa syyte, syyttää

an instance= tapahtuma, esimerkki, tapaus

comprehensive= kattava, kokonaisvaltainen, laaja, sisältöpitoinen

volatility= epävakaus, räjähdysherkkyys, volatiliteetti (tilastotieteessä)

GDP= gross domestic product, bruttokansantuote

consolidate= yhdistää, lujittaa, vakauttaa

diligent = huolellinen, ahkera, tunnollinen, työteliäs, uuttera

adequate= sopiva, riittävä, tarkoituksenmukainen, asianmukainen, pätevä

intermittent= ajoittainen, katkoinainen, epäsäännöllinen, kuuroittainen

heterodox= toisinajatteleva, harhaoppinen, eriuskoinen

brine= suolavesi, suolaliuos

admittedly= kieltämättä, eittämättä

compelling= mukaansatempaava, houkutteleva, pakottava

ore= malmi

abundance= runsaus, yltäkylläisyys


Hours= 3,5 + 1 = 4,5 h