Author Archives: Karme

Kurtén Club 1.3.

Dear all,

tomorrow, Ika Österblad will give a talk about

The spider who became a wasp: Parasitoid lifestyles in your neighbourhood.

There’s also some cake and cookies for all.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 1.3.2011, C108 Physicum


Kurtén Club 22.2.

Dear all,

tomorrow, Diana Pushkina will give a talk about

Isotopic tracking of diet and habitat in Pleistocene mammals in Thailand and Germany.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 22.2.2011, C108 Physicum


Kurtén Club 15.2.

Dear all,

tomorrow, Sophie Pantalacci will give a talk about

What developmental biology can tell us about the evolution of cheek teeth row in muroid rodents

Dr. Sophie Pantalacci is a CNRS researcher at the IGFL (Institute of Functional Genomic of Lyon) at the ENS of Lyon, France.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 15.2.2011, C108 Physicum


Kurtén Club 8.2.

Dear all,

next Tuesday, Sarah Zohdy will give a talk about

Facebook for Lemurs: Using Parasite Exchange to Model Disease
Transmission and Map Social Interactions in Brown Mouse Lemurs
(Microcebus rufus).

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 8.2.2011, C108 Physicum


Kurtén Club 1.2.

Dear all,

tomorrow, Mikko Haaramo will give a
News flash (Top 5 articles since last time).

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 1.2.2011, C108 Physicum


Kurtén Club 25.1.

Dear all,

Kurtén Club starts again this spring. Björn Kurtén Club is a forum for everyone intressed in paleontology. Main participants are paleontology students, researchers and professors. Every week we have different presentations/introductions, held either by one of the group members or a visiting lecturer. Normal meetings consist of an open presentation/introduction part and a group meeting part. Visit our blog for more information: .

First meeting will be held 25.1.2011 at 16.00(-17.00) in room C108, Physicum, Kumpula. Next meetings will be held every Tuesday at the same time in the same place (unless otherwise announced). The program will be available on Kurtén clubs blog.

Tomorrow, Laura Säilä and Ian Corfe will give a talk about

Dental morphology and development in the earliest multicuspid amniotes.

Suggestions for possible topics and speakers are most welcome.

Best regards,
Aleksis Karme

Happy Holidays

Dear Kurténians,

thank you for your activity in year 2010. We’re starting the holiday season and therefore have no meeting next week.
The Club will return in January, probably 25th. Suggestions for future presentations are welcome.

Happy Holidays,

Kurtén Club 14.12., PROGRAM CHANGE

Dear all,

unfortunately, due to illness, Laura and Ian will not give their presentation tomorrow. The presentation has been rescheduled to January.

Instead, we’re having the chocolate trilobite session already tomorrow (14.12., 16.00, C108/meeting room), not on Thursday. Take couple of euros with you to share the chocolate and dry ice costs. Children are also welcome.


Kurtén Club 14.12., chocolate trilobites 16.12.

Dear all,

next Tuesday, Laura Säilä and Ian Corfe will give a talk about

Dental morphology and development in the earliest multicuspid amniotes.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 14.12.2010, C108 Physicum

Traditional chocolate trilobite session is held on Thursday, 16.12. at 16.00. We’ll be in C108 or the departments meeting room. Take couple of euros with you to share the chocolate and dry ice costs. Children are also welcome.
