Author Archives: Karme

No Kurtén Club 7.12.

Dear all,

there’s no Kurtén Club next Tuesday because of the Kumpula Colloquium:

Professori Heikki Tenhu, kemian laitos: Älykkäät nanomateriaalit.

Next meeting will be held 14.12.

Best regards,

Kurtén Club 30.11.

Dear all,

next Tuesday, Jaqcueline Moustakas will give a talk (a practice for the SICB meeting) about

How the Turtle Got its Spots.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 30.11.2010, C108 Physicum


The Evolution of Maximum Body Size of Terrestrial Mammals

The Evolution of Maximum Body Size of Terrestrial Mammals

Felisa A. Smith, Alison G. Boyer, James H. Brown, Daniel P. Costa, Tamar
Dayan, S. K. Morgan Ernest, Alistair R. Evans, Mikael Fortelius, John L.
Gittleman, Marcus J. Hamilton, Larisa E. Harding, Kari Lintulaakso, S.
Kathleen Lyons, Christy McCain, Jordan G. Okie, Juha J. Saarinen, Richard M.
Sibly, Patrick R. Stephens, Jessica Theodor, and Mark D. Uhen:

The Evolution of Maximum Body Size of Terrestrial Mammals

–Science: Vol. 330, no. 6008, pp. 1216-1219
26 November 2010, DOI: 10.1126/science.1194830


The extinction of dinosaurs at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary was
the seminal event that opened the door for the subsequent diversification of
terrestrial mammals. Our compilation of maximum body size at the ordinal
level by sub-epoch shows a near-exponential increase after the K/Pg. On each
continent, the maximum size of mammals leveled off after 40 million years
ago and thereafter remained approximately constant. There was remarkable
congruence in the rate, trajectory, and upper limit across continents,
orders, and trophic guilds, despite differences in geological and climatic
history, turnover of lineages, and ecological variation. Our analysis
suggests that although the primary driver for the evolution of giant mammals
was diversification to fill ecological niches, environmental temperature and
land area may have ultimately constrained the maximum size achieved.

-Mikko Haaramo

Kurtén Club 23.11., Development Geography Special

Dear all,

next Tuesday, Nina Himberg (Coordinator for Development Geography Research and – Studies) will give a talk about

North-South-Scope in Science.

Nina will present some preliminary plans considering intercampus research and study collaboration relating to developing countries.
Students, both undergraduate and graduate, are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting and share their wishes, expreriences and needs connected to the subject.
Staff members interested in the area are also most welcome.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 23.11.2010, C108 Physicum


Kurtén Club 16.11.

Dear all,

next tuesday, Jonathan Bunn will give a talk about

Dirichlet normal energy as a tool for quantifying molar tooth shape.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 16.11.2010, C108 Physicum


Kurtén Club 9.11.

Dear all,

next tuesday, Juha Saarinen will give a talk about

Diets, body size and environments of Pleistocene ungulates in Britain and Germany – research plan and preliminary results.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 9.11.2010, C108 Physicum


Kurtén Club 2.11.

Dear all,

next tueday, Georgios Koufos will give a talk about

Fossil Primates of Greece.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 2.11.2010, C108 Physicum

Unfortunately, Kumpula Colloquium is held simultaneously.
The ones who wished to attend the Colloquium, it is viewable at .

Club’s preliminary schedule:
9.11. Juha Saarinen
16.11. Jonathan Bunn
23.11.Jacqueline Moustakas
30.11. Nina Himberg
7.12. Kumpula Colloquium
14.12. Laura Säilä & Ian Corfe
XX.12. Chocolate Trilobites


Out of Asia?

Late middle Eocene epoch of Libya yields earliest known radiation of African anthropoids

Jean-Jacques Jaeger, K. Christopher Beard, Yaowalak Chaimanee, Mustafa Salem, Mouloud Benammi, Osama Hlal, Pauline Coster, Awad A. Bilal, Philippe Duringer, Mathieu Schuster, et al.

Nature 467, 1095-1098 (27 October 2010) doi:10.1038/nature09425 Letter
