Category Archives: Club Meetings

Kurtén Club 14.5.

Dear All,

next Tuesday, we are going to science center Heureka to see the

Body Worlds exhibition.

Let me know personally if you’re coming. Heureka is open only to 17.00; this is why we are meeting already at 14.00 there.

Time & Loc.:
14.00, 14.5.2013, Heureka (Kuninkaalantie 7, 01300 Vantaa)


Kurtén Club 7.5.

Dear All,

next Tuesday, Zhang Zhaoqun (Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, China) will give a talk about

Evolutionary history of small mammals and global environmental changes:
dragon bones meet genes

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 7.5.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 23.4.

Dear All,

next week, Francien Peterse (Geological Institute, ETH Zürich) will give a talk about

Orbital pacing of air temperature and monsoon precipitation in East Asia over the past 130,000 years.

Francien Peterse received her PhD degree in organic biogeochemistry from the
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)/Utrecht University and
is currently working as a postdoctoral fellow at the Geological Institute of
ETH in Zürich. The major focus of her research is on the global carbon
cycle, specifically the transport of organic carbon from land to sea, using
molecular biomarkers. Her current research efforts also lie at the
application of organic proxies to reconstruct past continental climate
change and monsoon dynamics in East Asia.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 23.4.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 16.4.

Dear All,

tomorrow, Henry Pihlström will give a talk about

Ancient relicts or recent colonists? On the (former) presence of breeding seabirds at Lake Ladoga

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 16.4.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 9.4.

Dear All,

tomorrow we will have a group meeting / conversation session.

As an extra, we’ll get to evaluate couple of triceratops horns (real or not) for their owners, and Mikael will show some pictures from the Turkana basin.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 9.4.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 2.4.

Dear All,

tomorrow, Anton Äyräväinen will give a talk about

Introduction to Greek and Latin.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 2.4.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 12.3.

Dear All,

tomorrow, Ferhat Kaya will give a talk about

Paleontology and Magnetostratigraphy of the hominid bearing locality Çorakyerler (Çankırı Basin, Central Anatolia); Implications for African hominin origins, Eurasian or African?

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 12.3.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 5.3.

Dear All,

tomorrow we will have a group meeting / conversation session.

If you have interesting articles that consider your or the groups work, feel free to bring them with you.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 5.3.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 26.2.

Dear All,

tomorrow we will have a group meeting / conversation session.

If you have interesting articles that consider your or the groups work, feel free to bring them with you.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 26.2.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula
