Saunas and Sea Ice: Studying in Suomi and Sussex

Visiting graduate student Daniel Cutting was back in Helsinki for a week and in that time attended the Fall Meeting and Christmas Dinner of our Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences. He was invited to give a presentation but, rather than speaking about his research–which includes one paper based partially on work done in Helsinki with Helsinki researchers–Daniel gave a rather different kind of talk. Here is what he has to say:

This year I had the opportunity to visit Helsinki University for a series of months to continue my studies as a PhD student in Theoretical Particle Physics. While I am usually based at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom, I quickly warmed to the atmosphere and culture at the University of Helsinki and greatly enjoyed my time here. My latest visit to Finland happened to overlap with the PAPU Christmas meeting, and I was asked to give a short presentation on some of the differences I had noticed between studying in Helsinki and Sussex as a PhD student.

One of the more substantial differences I noted is the culture relating to PhD students – and whether they are treated more like employees or students. In the UK we lean towards the latter, whereas here in Finland it seems like the former is more applicable. Another big change is that in the UK it is common to have set time limits on how long our PhD’s can take to complete – in my case I have a hard cut off after 4 years of study before which I must have submitted my thesis. On the other hand there is no minimum number of papers required to submit your thesis.

The meeting itself was a fun event with many fascinating presentations from current and recently graduated students on their research projects. Learning more about what everyone does within PAPU was a great way to spend the day.

I’ve enjoyed my time at both Sussex and Helsinki, and I am sure this won’t be my last visit to Finland!

Read about Daniel’s experiences at the LISA Cosmology Working Group workshop here.

What happened at the LISA Cosmology Working Group workshop

The LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop dinner at Särkänlinna restaurant.

Credit: Anna Kormu

Visiting graduate student Daniel Cutting has written a short summary of what happened at last week’s LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop in Helsinki. Here is what he has to say:

During the last week, the Helsinki Institute of Physics hosted the 5th LISA Cosmology Working group meeting. This group has been formed to develop and inform on the cosmological science that can be conducted with the upcoming space-based gravitational wave detector called LISA.

The LISA mission will be formed of three satellites in an equilateral triangle separated by millions of kilometres following the Earth in an orbit around the Sun. The detector will be sensitive to a large range of sources, ranging from mergers of supermassive black holes in galactic centres to exotic objects such as cosmic strings formed in the early universe.

The meeting began with an update on the current status of the development of the LISA consortium. This is the organising body responsible for developing the technology and science for the LISA mission. In particular, we learnt more about the work packages that the Cosmology Working Group needs to carry out in order for the LISA mission to deliver the science it has promised.

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Group members talk in Tampere

View of Tammerkoski in Tampere

Particle cosmologists and astrophysicists from the Universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä held a joint meeting in Tampere last week. The early spring weather was lovely and the standard of all the talks was very high.

Masters student Lauri Niemi told us about his work on simulating extensions of the Standard Model with non-perturbative methods. Sometimes existing results can be re-used, but in many cases new simulations are required. Part of his PhD studies will involve carrying out those simulations.

Daniel Cutting, visiting us from Sussex, gave a talk about his simulations of vacuum scalar bubbles and the resulting gravitational wave power spectrum. His movies and other visualisations went down very well with the audience.

Sara Tähtinen spoke about gravitational waves from a tachyonic transition, in scenarios where non-Abelian gauge fields play a role. Because non-Abelian gauge fields self-interact strongly, the results are rather different from previous studies of gravitational waves from tachyonic preheating.

Image credit: Jorge Franganillo (CC BY 3.0) [source].

A visitor from Odense

PhD student Arianna Toniato has been visiting us for the past month from CP3-Origins, a research institute at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. As part of her PhD programme, she has to spend some time at a foreign university, and she chose to come to Helsinki. Arianna has been working with Kari Rummukainen and Kimmo Tuominen on lattice simulations of composite Higgs models.

Arianna says that she has enjoyed “pretty much everything about being here, the university, the people at the university, the city, and the frozen sea”. Today is her last day visiting our group.

In the autumn Arianna will start as a postdoc with Harvey Meyer in the Theory Group at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. We wish her all the best in her future career!

Summer jobs in computational field theory and gravitational waves

Log-scaled kinetic energy for a simulation of a first-order phase transition in a field-fluid model.

We are looking for 1-2 summer trainees with a background in theoretical physics and preferably with good programming skills. The positions are for three months, with exact dates to be agreed upon.

We study theories of particle physics using large-scale numerical simulations, usually applied to cosmology. In particular, our research topics include gravitational wave production in the early Universe, phase transitions in beyond the Standard Model theories, and algorithmic development. The trainees’ research projects are chosen according to the experience and preference of the trainees. The research projects can form the basis for either a Bachelor or a Master thesis.

Read the official advertisement here and apply with this form. The deadline is 6.2.2018.

VisIt and Ghost Zones

[This is a cross-post from David Weir’s blog, see the original post here.]

There is limited information out there about how to do visualisations with VisIt and ghost zones, so I decided I had to put it out myself. But first, some context.


VisIt is a versatile cross-platform visualisation tool for large datasets. I’ve used it for many of my projects to produce illustrations for papers, movies for talks and websites, as well as for simply investigating what is going on with my simulation results. It’s not perfect; the UI is a bit clunky, but it is very good and handles GPUs and parallelisation quite well (once correctly compiled, at least).

VisIt handles many different file formats for the source data, but many of them are specialised or require one to do a lot of ‘post processing’, either using VisIt’s powerful python API or by mangling together expressions in the GUI. Alternatively, one can tell VisIt how the data is structured by writing it to a file using the Silo library. This writes data using the HDF5 format (although Silo can also handle others).

One application is making plots of isosurfaces of data, like this:

The finished project – a smooth isosurface. Read on to see how to make this.

Visualising results of parallelised, domain decomposed simulations

When the data come from one machine, that’s all well and good. But when the dataset comes from multiple machines, often there are ‘haloes’ or ‘ghost zones’ where the data on each node overlaps. When doing domain decomposed simulations with finite difference equations, depending on the stencil, one needs to know values beyond the boundary of the domain being simulated. This is because the ‘next’ value at a point depends on the value of the neighbouring points, and sometimes those points are being simulated by a different processor:

Finite difference stencil. Public domain image [source]

When writing these overlapping zones using Silo, each node writes its own file, and then a ‘root’ file is made by one node that stitches them all together. This is called ‘PMPIO’ (poor man’s parallel I/O) in the Silo library parlance. I like it because it makes relatively few assumptions on the parallelisation or available libraries on the machine, but it does put a strain on the parallel filesystem receiving the data; this can be mitigated somewhat by letting only one node at a time writes its file.Anyway, once you’ve got all your data written and stitched together, you can put it together and get something that looks like this:

The same data with ghost zones from the four nodes that have each done part of the computation.

Uh oh! This picture is the result of a simulation over four cores, and where the simulations on those four cores overlap, the transparent colour is darker! How do we fix it?

How not to fix it

You might at first think – as I did – “ok, no problem, just remove the halo data and write the files. VisIt will stitch it together and it will look nice”. No, VisIt will not stitch it together:

The same data without any ghost zones at all.

One has to tell VisIt something more about the data it is reading, before it will get the hint.

Data offsets: the absolute bare minimum

Now we come to the point of this blog post: how does one fix this without wading through piles of API stuff and writing stuff blindly? I googled a bit and turned up some discussions, and there is some documentation of how to implement ghost zones in the official “Getting data into VisIt” guide available here; the Silo API is fully but opaquely documented in its user guide available here. There’s also an accompanying example source file, ghostzonesinfile.c, extracts of which are in main guide. But that conflates mesh extents and offsets, and it has absolutely no comments so for a novice it may not be immediately clear what needs to be done to get your ghost zones adequately represented.

Assuming you are using a rectilinear mesh with periodic boundary conditions, distributed over several nodes, you need just one thing: the offsets, telling VisIt how much of the data at each node should be treated as ‘ghost’ data.

Despite what the content of ghostzonesinfile.c would suggest, you do not need:

  1. The extents of your mesh on each node – these data are redundant anyway, as you give the mesh extents implicitly in the quadmesh specification.
  2. The data extents of any variables you are using – VisIt can surely figure these out for itself.

Hence, because it seems to me that ghostzonesinfile.c is much more complicated than necessary, I wanted to make a post about this.

Setting the offsets

First, I make a DBoptlist:

DBoptlist *dboptlist = NULL;
dboptlist = DBMakeOptlist(1);

Then for my particular case I reverse the order in which data are stored, just because of how I do things. I’m including this here, as it might be useful for someone else who’s trying to figure out why their data look messed up:

const int row_major = DB_ROWMAJOR;
DBAddOption(dboptlist, DBOPT_MAJORORDER, &row_major);

Then I create two arrays with the offsets for the current processor:

int hi_offset[3], lo_offset[3];

These arrays (in my case reversed: {zy, x}) will each contain how many lattice sites to treat as ‘overlap’ on each end of the domain.

My code is domain decomposed in the x– and y-directions, with each node getting the full length of the z-direction. I have nx nodes in the x-direction, and ny nodes in the y-direction. First, I work out where in this grid the node running the code (identified with MPI rank p.rank) is located:

int this_posx = p.rank % nx;
int this_posy = (p.rank - this_posx)/nx;

Then I set the offsets. As there’s no haloing in the z-direction, the offsets there are zero.

// z-dir
lo_offset[0] = 0;
hi_offset[0] = 0;

For the other two directions there are haloes/ghost zones. For some reason, there needs to be an overlap of exactly one for the resulting isosurface to look smooth, so I choose to keep the high halo entry, and tell Silo the lower one is to be ignored, except on nodes on the high end of the y-direction domain decomposition, where there’s no need for an offset because there’s no neighbouring node:

// y-dir
lo_offset[1] = 0;
if(this_posy == ny - 1) {
  hi_offset[1] = 0;
} else {
  hi_offset[1] = 1;

Finally, the x-direction looks pretty much the same.

lo_offset[2] = 0;
if(this_posx == nx - 1) {
  hi_offset[2] = 0;
} else {
  hi_offset[2] = 1;

Note that, although the silo documentation linked above says that the high offsets are ‘zero-based’, to be specific a value of zero here means that no offset is present. This was a bit ambiguous, but is clear from reading ghostzonesinfile.c.

Then one adds these offsets to the DBoptlist:

DBAddOption(dboptlist, DBOPT_HI_OFFSET, (void *)hi_offset);
DBAddOption(dboptlist, DBOPT_LO_OFFSET, (void *)lo_offset);

Then one simply calls DBPutQuadmesh, DBPutQuadvar1 and DBPutQuadvar with the dboptlist, for example:

DBPutQuadmesh(dbfile, "quadmesh", NULL, mesh, meshsize, 3,

I just gave the offsets to everything, on each node, and it worked. When it came to calling DBPutMultimesh and DBPutMultivar on the ‘root’ node, I didn’t specify anything. It Just Worked!

Final caveats

Annoyingly, older versions of both Silo and VisIt will not work with this method of representing ghost zones. If you think you’ve done everything correctly but aren’t seeing anything, check they are both up to date. In the case of Silo, things may compile properly, and linking will be okay unless you are trying to link against a different version than that for which you used the header files, but at runtime when saving your data you may see error messages like:

DBAddOption: Invalid argument: optlist nopts

If you see messages like this, check you are using the most recent version of Silo.