Nordic Case Competition kerää ideoita Otaniemen rantaraitin kehittämiseksi


Kaupunkiakatemia on mukana ratkomassa Otaniemen kampuksen kehittämiseen liittyviä kysymyksiä! Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan, mitä uutta Nordic Case Competitionin opiskelijat ehdottavat Otaniemen rantaraitin parantamiseksi 28.10. klo 12 alkaen!  Ilmoittaudu päätöstilaisuuteen täällä: Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen.

Welcome to the award ceremony and presentations for The Nordic Case Competition in Sustainable Urban Development!

Date: 28.10.2015
Time: 12:00 – 15:00
Venue: Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish cultural centre
Address: Hanasaarenranta 5

Event homepage:…/59-nordic-case-competition-in-su…

We are arranging something really exciting this October, and wish you could be a part of it. On Wednesday October 28th at 12 am-3 pm we invite you to the award ceremony and presentations of the Nordic case competition in Sustainable Urban Development! Join us to hear how the top Nordic students would develop the Otaniemi campus!

The Nordic Case Competition in Sustainable Urban Development is an intensive three-day course focusing on multidisciplinary and practical urban planning and collaboration. The course brings together students, teachers, professors, practitioners and other leading experts from the Nordic countries to share ideas and work together on a real-life planning case, taking on the challenge of developing sustainable cities. The participating students represent urban ecology, sociology, architecture, design, landscape architecture, environmental engineering and geography.

The theme of the first Nordic Case Competition is university campus development. During the course the students will in teams create a plan to develop urban pathways, recreational routes and accessibility at the Otaniemi Campus of the Aalto University in Espoo. The case is strongly anchored into existing concerns about the development of the campus, and both the city and the university are eager to hear the results of the case work and take the suggestions into account when working on the development plans. The case work also includes input from local residents, who find the recreational and ecological values of the green routes and waterfront areas highly important.

Please register to the award ceremony here:

See the webpage for more information and the full program for The Nordic case competiton:…/

Jonna Similä, programme coordinator, HanaAcademy/Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Center,,
Meeri Karvinen, coordinator, Nordic Sustainable Campus Network (NSCN), , +358 50 407 1884,

Organizers: HanaAcademy, Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Center, Aalto University, Urban Academy network, Nordic Sustainable Campus Network (NSCN) and Aalto University School of Engineering

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