Training kindergartens project

Training kindergartens project – developing ECE teacher training kindergartens

Early childhood teacher education at the University of Helsinki always includes teaching practice. It is organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences in collaboration with extensive network of affiliated kindergartens. The guided teaching practice offers prospective teachers possibilities to try out and explore in practice everything they have learned during their studies.

To further develop and strengthen early childhood education teaching practice University of Helsinki, in collaboration with city of Helsinki, has created a new research-based initiative. Three, carefully selected kindergartens, compose a training unit called Training kindergartens. Following the guidelines and principles of the University of Helsinki Viikki Teacher Training School, the staff of the Training kindergartens will receive special supervision training and training for leadership.

The long-term aim of the initiative is that the whole network of affiliated kindergartens involved in teaching practice will benefit from the Training kindergartens initiative. Applying different methods and a variety of data sources the initiative will be followed-up.