Seminar invitation 13.3.2024

”In a way, I would prefer a more neutral, conversational style”.
Covid-19 news, the audiences’ emotions, and the roles of local media

Time: Wednesday, 13.3.2024 at 9 am to 12 pm.
Place: Media Museum Merkki, Ludviginkatu 2-4, Helsinki.

Warmly welcome to the final seminar of a project (2022-2024) funded by the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation.  The researchers of the project on crises news and information ecosystems during the Covid19 pandemic will be presenting their main research findings. Professor Karin Wahl-Jorgensen from Cardiff University will give a keynote presentation on vernacular journalism and Kaleva´s editor-in-chief Antti Kokkonen will give a commentary.

The languages of the seminar are English and Finnish. The seminar is open to everyone, but registration is required. Please confirm your attendance no later than 6.3.2024 by email to Charlotte Lackman (


9.00-9.15 Coffee
9.15-9.25 Welcoming words
Ulla Koski, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation
9.25-9.35 Presentation of the research project
Jaana Hujanen
9.35-10.20 Vernacular Journalism, keynote presentation
Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University
10.20-10.40 Fear, confusion and hope. Emotions and affective practices in COVID-19 news reception. Presentation of the results
Salla Tuomola
10.40-10.55 Break
10.55-11.15 COVID-19 in the local news: Audience trust and journalistic roles. Presentation of the results
Mikko Grönlund, Katja Lehtisaari and Juho Ruotsalainen
11.15-11.30 Commentary (in Finnish)
Editor-in-chief Antti Kokkonen
11.30-11.55 Discussion
12.00 Closing of the seminar

Research team:

Professor Jaana HujanenUniversity of Helsinki, Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan,
Research manager Mikko GrönlundUniversity of Turku, Finland Futures Research Centre,
University lecturer Katja LehtisaariTampere University, Communication Sciences Unit,
Doctoral Researcher Juho RuotsalainenUniversity of Helsinki, Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan,
Postdoctoral researcher Salla TuomolaTampere UniversityThe Communication Sciences Unit, The Taru Research Centre,

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