Language Services 2019

Language Services 2019

The core mission of the Language Centre’s Language Services unit is to provide services that support the University in its role as a bilingual, international and multicultural institution. We provide language training to University staff and doctoral schools as well as language revision and translation services for members of the University community. In addition, we offer fee-based open Finnish courses to clients from outside the University, which are also available to the University’s international staff and postgraduate students for no fee.

The duties of Language Services also include, where necessary, responsibility for the communication and language training of the University community as well as projects and development related to the implementation of the University’s language policy or other activities that require language services.

In 2019 Language Services had a full- or part-time staff of 29 teachers, 27 translators, 51 language revisors and four members of administrative staff.

Training services

In 2019 Language Services organised 150 courses for a total of 2,392 participants.

Language training
Training courses commissioned by the University 112
   Participants in training courses commissioned by the University 1 297
Open-enrolment Finnish courses 38
   Participants in open-enrolment Finnish courses 1 095
   University of Helsinki participants in open-enrolment Finnish courses 280
Total number of lessons 3 901
Total number of credits 4 046


Translation and language revision services


A total of 10,315 pages of translations ordered by University units were produced in 2019 – up almost 18% from the previous year. Most of the translations were from Finnish into English or Swedish.


A total of 57,581 pages of texts by members of the University community underwent a language revision – up almost 8% from the previous year. Most of the revised texts were academic and scholarly documents written in English.

Translations and language revisions Pages
Translations for University units 10 315
   English translations 5 075
   Swedish translations 5 186
   Translations from and into other languages 54
Language revisions of texts by members of the University community 57 581