Orlando – naiskirjallisuuden tietokanta käytettävissänne 31.3.2013 asti

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Cambridge University Press tarjoaa ilmaisen pääsyn naiskirjallisuuden tietokantaan Orlandoon 31.3. asti.
Näillä tunnuksilla pääset tutustumaan tietokantaan:
Username:  womenshistory2013
Password: orlando

Orlando: Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present is a highly dynamic and rich resource for researchers, students, and readers with an interest in literature, women’s writing, or cultural history more generally. With about five and a half million words of text, it is full of factual, critical, and interpreted material. This first release of Orlando includes biographical and writing career entries on over a thousand writers, more than eight hundred and fifty of them British women. It also includes selected non-British or international women writers, and British and international men, whose writing was an important, sometimes a shaping, element in a particular writing climate. Orlando also includes more than thirty thousand dated items representing events and processes (in the accounts of these writers, but also in the areas of history, science, medicine, economics, the law, and other contexts).

Orlando provides new biographical and critical accounts of the lives and works of its subjects, together with contextual materials relevant to critical and historical readings. It fully documents the materials it references, and it includes a bibliographical database of more than twenty thousand titles.