Kaisa House open on Sundays 4.10.-29.11.

After a successful trial in April, the library will again be open on Sundays in October and November.

From October 4th until November 29th the library will be open from 11 am to 5 pm on Sundays, with the exception of the Halloween weekend (Saturday October 31st and Sunday November 1st), during which the building will be closed. Entrance on Sundays from Fabianinkatu and by lift from Kaisaniemikatu (1st floor) or from Helsinki University metrostation (floor K1).

Learning environment at your service SU_AUKIOLO

On Sundays, Kaisa House will work as self-service library. The collections and facilities are available to customers on floors 2-7. The service area on the 3rd floor and the underground floors (K4, K3, K2) will be closed. Phone service will be available and we are happy to help you with reservations pick-ups and any problems using the self-service facilities.

If you need a guest login for the University network or copy cards (e.g. for printing), you need to get these earlier in the week.

On Saturdays, Kaisa House is open from 11 am to 5 pm. The opening hours were moved one hour forwards based on customer feedback. Especially on weekends, most customers arrive only after midday, and the weekend mornings have been very quiet.

The Learning Centre Aleksandria accessible with magnetic key all Sunday

Learning Centre Aleksandria (Fabianinkatu 26) is open weekdays from 8 am to 7:45 pm, on Saturdays from 11 am to 4:45 pm and closed on Sundays. Students at the University of Helsinki are able to access the Learning Centre outside these opening hours from 7 am until 1 am with a magnetic key obtainable from the IT User Accounts service point in the library. More information about using Aleksandria outside normal opening hours in Flamma intranet.

Main Library (Kaisa House)
– service phone 02941 23920
– email: library-citycentre (at) helsinki.fi

Helsinki University Library opening hours
Learning Centre Aleksandria

Workshop for essay writers in English

Information seeking for essay writers: A two hour in depth-workshop in the computer class for writers of longer essays will be offered on Wednesday 30th of September at 10-12 AM in computer class 6060 at the Main Library, Kaisa House (Fabianinkatu 30).

Enroll via WebOodi search code 99914 (HU students) or by email: kristina.weimer(at)helsinki.fi.

The Helsinki University staff and students and Open University staff and students may participate in open courses free of charge. Otherwise, see the price list.

Kaisa Library is popular also on Sundays – The experiment proved to be a success!

The Main Library in the Kaisa House was open on three Sundays in April as a tryout. The work stations and equipment were available in the facilities as well as the customer service on the 3rd floor.

There were slightly more than 1000 visitors on each Sunday. Most popular were the silent reading spaces of which 70% were in use in the afternoons. Most of the lending and returning were done as self-service. According to the staff Sundays were like Saturdays but somewhat quieter in the customer service.

Quiet reading area on the 2nd floor

Library users’ feedback was merely positive. The most expressed wish was that in future the Library would be open on Sundays. Sharing the experience in social media was possible with the hashtag #munkirjasto and participants were able to win movie tickets. The Library has contacted the three winners in early May. Thank you all for your feedback!

The trial proved that there is a definite demand to keep the Library open on Sundays. The plan is to extend the opening hours to Sundays at least during the most hectic periods of the terms. This will most likely come true in March-April 2016, but might be realized already during the late autumn period 2015.

HUPS is the library’s new service for researchers of the Helsinki University and HUCS

Material from the library to the researcher’s desk

The Helsinki University Library is piloting a service that offers Helsinki University and HUCH staff the option of ordering books and copies of journal articles for free from Helsinki University Library collections. Literature will be delivered to internal mail addresses of the University. Ordering form is in the university intranet Flamma. HUCH staff can place the order by logging in the Terkko Navigator.

HUPS – Helsinki University Packet Service, Helsingfors universitets paketservice

The service is available from May 18th and the piloting phase will last until autumn 2015. Experiences and feedback during the piloting phase will be used to further develop the service and any feedback is most welcome.

Feedback and further information:
Antti Virrankoski
antti.virrankoski (at) helsinki.fi
Helsinki University Library

Opening hours during May Day

balloons 2
Happy May Day!

Opening hours on Thursday April 30th:
– Main Library, Kaisa House 9 am. – 6 pm.
– Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries 9 am. – 4 pm.
– Dental Library 9 am. – 3 pm.

On Friday May 1st and Saturday May 2nd the libraries are closed.