Please notice exceptions to opening hours on December 5th-6th

Libraries’ opening hours on Monday, Dec 5th :itsenäisyyspäivä
– Main Library Kaisa House 8 am – 6 pm,
customer service 10 am – 6 pm
– Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries 9 am – 4 pm
– Learning Centre Minerva 8 am – 3.45 pm
– Learning Centre Aleksandria 8 am – 5.45 pm.

On Independence Day Dec 6th all locations are closed. Aleksandria can be accessed with a magnetic key.

Library opening hours during the turn of the year

Loan periods extend from November 23rd

The approaching turn of the year shortens the library opening hours, but extends the loan period of books. Due date will be no earlier than January 11th, 2017, when you borrow or renew your loans

  • November 23rd onwards for books with a 28-day loan period
  • December 7th onwards for books with a 14-day loan period
  • December 19th onwards for books with a 2-day loan period.

There is no due dates between December 5th and 7th because of the Independence Day, so if you borrow a short loan on Thursday December 1st, you may hold it for a week.

Set your PIN code and renew your loans in new Helka-database

The new Helka will be released on November 30th, and you can already check it out at

The default code 1234 for a Helka card will no longer work in the new Helka database. If you haven’t already set a PIN code, please do it now at

Library opening hours at the turn of the year

Library locations have exceptional opening hours from Monday December 19th. We will return to the normal opening hours on Monday January 16th, 2017.

Check the opening hours on the library website.

Opening hours on All Saints’ Day

The library has exceptional opening hours on All Saints’ Day:Pyhäinpäivä - All saints day

On Friday November 4th
– Main Library Kaisa House open 8 am – 6 pm, customer service 10 am – 6 pm
– Kumpula Campus Library open 9 am – 4 pm
– Meilahti Campus Library Terkko open 9 am – 4 pm
– Viikki Campus Library open 9 am – 4 pm
– Learning Centre Aleksandria 8 am – 5:45 pm
– Learning Centre Minerva 8 am – 5:45 pm.

Libraries and learning centres are closed on Saturday November 5th.

Helsinki University Library opening hours

Stuck in your search? Stop by our information seeking workshop!

How can I use the electronic resources at the University? What subjecttyopaja_eng services are available and where can I find them? What is reference management software?

Come and ask about library services and the usage of information services. The workshop is in English and Finnish. No preregistration is needed. Just stop by and ask, or stay longer if you want. If you have a laptop, bring it along.

Workshop is for students and academic staff of the University of Helsinki.

Time: Every Friday 10-12 during the term (2.9.2016-16.12.2016)
Place: Helsinki University Library, Kaisa House, 2nd floor, room 2024

Further information: Päivi Helminen, paivi.helminen(at)

New student ohoy – order your library card online!

Hey new student, do you need a library card for Helsinki University Library?

You can order your library card in advance with an e-form. The card will be available for pick-up after 2 working days in any campus library you choose.

Please, take your identity card or passport with you. You will also need a Finnish social security number or your certificate of attendance from the University of Helsinki.

Borrow, Renew, Request | Helsinki University Library
Library Locations | Helsinki University Library

Autumn Brings Changes In Opening Hours

Summer time is coming to an end and the new autumn opening hours will start on August 22nd 2016.

At Kaisa House there will be self-service hours on weekday mornings and evenings

The main library Kaisa House is open Mon-Fri 8-20 and Sat 11-17. The customer service is available Mon-Fri 10-19 and Sat 11-17.

Kaisa House will function as Self Service Library on weekdays from 8 to 10 and 19-20. Customer service personnel is not present during these self-service hours. The Library provides user instructions to device and premises. However, should problems arise, you can contact the staff.

Learn more about Self Service Library

New opening hours for autumn 2016
New opening hours for autumn 2016

New opening hours at the campus libraries

Starting from Monday 22.8 the opening hours at Viikki, Kumpula and Meilahti are Mon-Thu 9-18 and Fri 9-16.

All opening hours including exceptions can be found on library’s website

Campus Libraries open again on Monday Aug 1st

Terkko 2015-30
Photo: Veikko Somerpuro

The summer vacation is ending in the campus libraries, and the libraries are open again starting August 1st. Welcome back!

Library opening hours in Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki:
– Mon-Fri 9-16
– Mon-Thu 9-18, Fri 9-16.