Legal e-books collection from KauppakamariTieto

Legal e-books (Juridiikka collection) from KauppakamariTieto can be used in Helsinki university network until 31.7.2018. E-books are catalogued in Helka database.

  • Esineoikeus eurooppalaistuvassa Suomessa (2012)
  • Esinevakuudet (2016)
  • Guide to the Finnish Arbitration Rules (2015)
  • Huoltoriitojen sovittelu tuomioistuimessa (2015)
  • Incoterms 2010 (2012)
  • Incoterms 2010 (2. painos 2016)
  • Internationella köplagen (2013)
  • IPR käytännönläheisesti (2016)
  • Julkiset hankinnat yrityksille käytännönläheisesti (2017)
  • Julkisten hankintojen sääntely (2017)
  • Kansainvälinen kauppalaki (2013)
  • Kovenantit – Rahoitussopimuksen kovenanttiohjaus (2014)
  • Laki ja miten sitä luetaan (2014)
  • Lapsen huolto- ja tapaamissopimukset (2014)
  • Opas Keskuskauppakamarin Välimiesmenettely-sääntöihin (2015)
  • Rahoitusmuodot ja vakuudet (2013)
  • Sukupolvenvaihdos ja yritystoiminnan lopettaminen (2014)
  • Uusi arvopaperimarkkinalaki (2013)
  • Vahingonkorvaus asunto-osakeyhtiössä (2017)
  • Viestintä- ja informaatio-oikeuden perusteet (2013)
  • Yksityisyyden suoja Suomessa (2014)
  • Yritystoiminnan verotus (2014)

Feedback: e-library [at]

Ammattikirjasto – Juridiikka-kokoelma

Report mistakes caused by Helka failure with e-form

There was a library system failure in Helka during the week 31 (July 31st – August 4th). Loans, renewals, returns and payments made in during that week may not be correctly displayed in your account.

If your information is still not displayed correctly, please report it by using this form:

Read more information about the system failure:

Helka in use, but maintenance work still underway

There was a service break in Helka August 3rd – 4th. The database is now in use, but maintenance work is still being carried out. Any fines incurred during the break will be removed. 

Loans, renewals and returns from week 31 (July 31st – August 4th) may not be correctly displayed in your account. Changes in your information may not have been updated in the database, and new cards may be inactive. If you have made reservations during this period, you should do them again. The due date for books that fell due last week and today will be moved to August 22nd to avoid unnecessary fines.

We are currently working our way through the returns. We are working as fast as we can to get the database up to date.

If your information is still not displayed correctly after August 14th, please contact the library:

We are sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for your patience!

Subscription of the CMMC resource has expired, e-journals available elsewhere

The subscription of the CMMC (Communication & Mass Media Complete) resource has expired on June 20th 2017. Library, however, provides alternative access to the most popular journals and they can be found in Helka database.

In addition the following journals will be subscribed separately and they’ll be available in August at the latest:

  • Narrative Inquiry
  • Gesture
  • Target: International Journal on Translation Studies
  • Diachronica
  • Multilingua
  • International Journal of the Sociology of Language
  • Linguistics
  • Journal of Consumer Research
  • Journal of Marketing
  • Text and Talk (already subscribed)

No advancement in FinELib-Elsevier negotiations

The FinELib consortium that centrally acquires electronic materials for Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes and public libraries, and the international science publisher Elsevier continue the negotiations started in 2016.Currently the agreement makes it possible for researchers to continue using Elsevier’s journals until end of 2017.

The ongoing negotiations try to speed up the transition to open access by getting Finnish researchers the right to publish open access in as many high quality scholarly journals as possible without extra charge (Article Processing Charges). Unfortunately the first meeting showed that Elsevier is not willing to develop open access business models. Elsevier insists on keeping up the traditional subscription model and the price increases linked to it.

FinELib and Elsevier will continue the negotiations in June.

FinELib negotiations: -campaign

New York Times digital archive or Medieval manuscripts? We got it!

  • Digital Resources Guide  presents licensed digital resources offered by the library. Among these are historical newspaper collections and archived materials. Most of the guide’s digital materials are available only in the network of the university. University researchers and students can access online  through remote access with an off-campus computer.

Bubbling under: New York Times – archive covers years 1851-2013 (requires access to  Helsinki University Network).





Publish openly and benefit from SAGE’s discount for APCs

The researchers at the University of Helsinki get a 87,5% discount from the APC payment when they publish their articles openly in SAGE journals (Sage Choice Titles) as a corresponding author. The normal APC payment would be 1600 GBP, but due to library’s Open Access-membership the author is left only with the APC-payment of 200 GBP.

Instructions for Open Access publishing in SAGE´s journals:

1. SAGE sends to a corresponding author the acceptance of the article and informs author about the possibility to publish the article Open Access.

2. The writer fills in the SAGE’s Open Access form and uses the Promo Code: “FinELib 2017“.

3. SAGE bills the 200 GBP APC payment from the corresponding writer.

When the article has been accepted the writers themselves have to add  the information code: FinELib2017, which entitles to the discount. Researchers also have to make sure that the billing is performed correctly with the discounted APC payment.

Trial: Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon Online until 30.6

Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon Online is based on the three reference works:

„Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon. Biographisch-bibliographisches Handbuch [Dictionary of German Literature Online. Biographical and Bibliographic Handbook]: 42 vols. (1968-2017)

„Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon. Das 20. Jahrhundert. Biographisch-bibliographisches Handbuch [Dictionary of German Literature. The 20th Century. Biographical and Bibliographic Handbook]: 27 far (since2000)

„Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon. Das Mittelalter [Dictionary of German Literature. The Middle Ages]: 8 vols. (2011-16)

„More than 70,000 articles are edited and searchable in this database.

And all in all articles of over 90 volumes will be compiled.

„In addition, the database will be continuously updated and extended with bibliographic data from De Gruyter’s Germanistik Online database

User Guide you can find:

You can write feedback: e-library[at]


Trial: Nano Online until 30.6

Nano Online: Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science at the Nanoscale is available in University of Helsinki until 30.6.

nano Online offers a comprehensive coverage of the subject area nano science and technology. This database allows access to research results from all disciplines active in this area – including physics, chemistry and materials science as well as engineering and medicine.

The database includes more than 1,200 entries (an equivalent of more than 17,000 print pages) and annual updates of 200 entries (about 2,000 print pages) will supply state-of-the-art research results.

User Guide you can find:

Feedback: e-library[at]