Opening hours during Easter 18.4.-22.4.

During Easter the libraries are closed from Good Friday April 19th until Easter Monday April 22nd, 2019.

On Maundy Thursday (April 18th), the libraries are open as follows:
– Kaisa House  8 a.m. – 6 p.m (customer service 10 a.m. – 6 p.m).
– Kumpula, Terkko and Viikki 8 a.m. – 4 p.m (customer service 10 a.m. – 4 p.m).

Learning Centres Aleksandria and Minerva are open 8 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. on Maundy Thursday. Aleksandria can be accessed with magnetic key during Easter (from 7 a.m. until 1 a.m.).

Tutors are adventurous at Kaisa House on Thursday, April 4th

This year’s Tutor Adventure is organised on Thursday April 4th,  at 1 pm – 8 pm, on the City Centre campus. Almost all of the university’s 700 tutors participate in the Adventure.

The Tutor Adventure of HYY and UH Student Services consists of touring checkpoints in teams to learn tutoring skills and receive information about the services and activities of the University, the Student Union and other interest groups. Three of the checkpoints are located in the Main Library at the Kaisa House (on the 3rd, 5th and 7th floor).

Please notice, that the Tutor Adventure may cause a little extra noise in the library.

Students of Viikki! Join us in planning Infocenter Korona’s renovation on April 4, 2019

The heart of Viikki Campus, Infocenter Korona, will begin to undergo refurbishment at the start of summer 2020.

The facilities will be developed to better suit future needs, and especially teaching facilities will undergo a significant change. Facilities for University staff members and the University Library will be on the upper floors of Korona. The lower floor will be dedicated to libraries, students and teaching.

Come and tell us what kind to facilities you need to best support your studies!

Tuesday April 2 2019 at 14-16
Infocenter Korona, lecture room 139

The current concept plan will be demonstrated using panoramic videos and VR-headsets. A presentation about the development of teaching and the future of studying will also be included in the program. There will be time for questions, feedback and discussion by using an interactive tool Flinga at the end of the event. Refreshments and fruit will be served.

Event programme (to be detailed later)

  • Context for Viikki area and the Infocenter, Architect Mika Huhtala, University of Helsinki
  • Future of teaching and studying, Anne Nevgi, University lecturer
  • Infocenter Korona’s new facilities, preliminary concept, Interior Architect SIO Leea Åberg, Sisustusarkkitehdit Gullstén & Inkinen
  • Discussion and feedback using Flinga.

Event page in Facebook

Feedback about Viikki Campus Library facilities was gathered during autumn of 2018

Helsinki University Library conducted a user survey in September and October 2018. Feeback was gathered with Flinga and flip charts located at the library.

We asked our customers what works at the library in general and what doesn’t. We also asked specifically about group facilities, researcher lounges and the 24h reading area.

The survey got about 200 development proposals and other responses. Criticism was mostly about the noise in the library, and users wished for better soundproofing. Other topics that surfaced were ergonomics, ventilation, lighting and colour scheme. Improvements were hoped for furnishings, group facilities and researcher lounges. There was also a wish for more studying spaces.

The users thanked the library for good customer service, indoor plants and gardens, comfortable couches and quiet and well-lit studying spaces by the windows.

The library has compiled a detailed summary of the feedback to be used in the planning for renovation of library spaces.




Kaisa House is open on Sundays 3.3.-28.4.

From March 3rd until April 28th the Main Library will be open from 11 am to 5 pm on Sundays, with the exception of Easter holidays (from Friday April 19th to Monday April 22nd), during which the building will be closed.

Entrance on Sundays is from Fabianinkatu or by lift from Kaisaniemenkatu (1st floor) or by lift from Helsinki University metro station (floor K1).

Finland’s most popular learning environment works as self-service library

On Sundays Kaisa House will function as a self-service library. The collections and facilities are available to customers on floors 2-7, basement floors K3 and K4 are closed. The customer service on the 3rd floor is closed.

You can pick up your reservations as self-service from the open shelves at the service desk. Should you have problems with using the library or the self-service facilities, phone service will be available.

In case you need a guest login to the University network, you are advised to acquire it earlier in the week.

University wide service break in printing February 18-19, 2019

There is a University wide service break in printing concerning university students and staff.

  • The service break begins on Monday February 18th, at 6 pm. Multifunction printers will be back in use on Wednesday February 20th.
  • During the service break you can use Print in City Service-printers located in the Helsinki University Library. Please note that purchases made due to the break will not be reimbursed.

More information about the break:

More information about copying, scanning and printing in the Helsinki University Library from the website.

Second floor of the Kumpula Campus Library to open on February 1st

On the top floor of the Kumpula Campus Library, a new kind of smart facility for researchers and students will be opened. The library’s second-floor customer facilities are available from Friday, February 1st.

The first floor has been available with its collections, facilities and services from September 3rd, 2018. Read more: Welcome to the renewed Kumpula Campus Library

Ubikampus @ Kumpula

The library’s facility upgrade project is connected with a broader project that involves the Faculty of Science and the University’s Student Services. What is taking place in the space is the first pilot of the Ubikampus project.

The 1,000 square meter pilot premises of the Ubikampus project house altogether 168 workstations and 16 separate rooms bookable with the tablets situated at the doors. More than half of the space is reserved for students, the rest for researchers. Students’ facilities include reading places and group study rooms.

Arrangements on the second floor are still in progress, but you are welcome to check out and test new facilities!

Library’s holiday season opening hours 17.12.2018-13.1.2019

Holiday season opening hours begin on Monday December 17th at the Helsinki University Library. We will return to normal opening hours on Monday January 14th 2018.

Kaisa House is closed between 22nd and 26th of December. Meilahti, Kumpula and Viikki Campus Libraries are closed from Dec. 22nd to January 6th. Kaisa House and Learning Centres Aleksandria and Minerva are open between holidays on December 27th to 28th.

Check all holiday season opening hours from the library’s website.