Service break in Helka during the Holidays

Helka back-end-system will be closed down for an upgrade on Tuesday, December 27th 2016 at 10 pm EET.

Search as well as e-material service is available also during the service break in the new Helka website. The following HELKA-services are not available during the break:

  • viewing information about availability for printed materials
  • loans
  • renewals
  • reservations
  • paying library fees
  • updating customer information or getting a new library card

Loans will not fall due between December 21st and January 10th. All loans already have a due date in January. No overdue fees will be collected for days during the service break.

The service break will last several days, and will end by January 9th, 2017.

Loans from the Helsinki University Library can be returned to the Kaisa House library during opening hours. The returns will be registered when the break is over.

In the meantime, if you any have questions, please contact library’s customer service or tel: 029 412 3920

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Do you need support with researchdatabase TUHAT?

During January library offers support for annual research reporting.

At the library (Tuhat-clinics)

  • Kaisa House January 10th 10-12 or 25th 14-16 pc-room 5057
  • Kumpula Campus library January 11th 12-14 library classroom G108b
  • Meilahti January 17th 9-11 Terkko pc-classroom
  • Tuhat clinic at Viikki will be confirmed later


See our online guide:

Finnish Higher Education Institutions Continue Negotiations On Open Access with Elsevier

International science publisher Elsevier and Finland’s higher education and research institutes have agreed on one year’s extension to negotiations on electronic journals. More time is needed in order to find a solution for advancing open access, which is an extremely important goal for the Finnish research community.

This one year agreement makes it possible for researchers at University of Helsinki to continue using Elsevier’s journals in 2017 while the negotiations continue.

FinELib consortium, which s represents Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences, and research institutes in the negotiations, has two primary objectives: Getting the increasing price of scientific journal subscriptions under control, and reaching an agreement that improves the opportunities of Finnish researchers for publishing their articles openly online for all to use.

During the negotiations this autumn, it became clear that regardless of the will of the international research community, Elsevier is reluctant to develop open publishing business models, and instead wants to maintain the old subscription model. The publisher still sees open publishing as a marginal operating model, and not as the future of scientific publishing. It is a delaying tactic from the publisher to charge high additional fees for open articles when higher education and research institutes already pay constantly increasing subscription fees. Now we demand that Elsevier over the next year shows the ability to change and take a new direction towards open access which research community needs and expects.” says Keijo Hämäläinen, Vice-Rector of the University of Helsinki and chairman of the negotiations.

Finland’s course is set towards open publishing through the goals laid out by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Open Science and Research Initiative and the European Union. Open publishing increases the visibility of science and improves the opportunities for the whole society to utilise research conducted with public funds.

Finland’s scientific community has given its support to FinELib’s negotiation goals. Released in late November, the site has received 2700 signatures from the scientific research community. The signatories abstain from refereeing and editorial duties for the journals of the publishers involved in FinELib’s negotiations until FinELib can reach the negotiation goals.

Open publishing and the price of scientific knowledge are themes that are emphasised in similar negotiations all over the world, for example in the current negotiations in Germany” says Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, a member of the negotiation group and Director of Library Network Services at the National Library of Finland. “Perseverance and a united front are the only way that the scientific community may affect large commercial publishers and effect a permanent change in the models of scientific publishing.

One year extension to the agreement makes it possible to find an open access model that genuinely promotes open access publishing without increasing the cost of publishing. If no agreement on open access is reached during 2017, the Finnish scientific community might at the end of year 2017 lose access to many important scientific journals.

Further information:

Keijo Hämäläinen, Vice-Rector of the University of Helsinki, chair of the contract negotiation group, tel. + 358 29 415 0640, Keijo.Hamalainen(at)

Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, Director, National Library of Finland/Library Network Services, tel. +358 50 552 3056, kristiina.hormia(at)

FinELib science journal negotiations page

Biblioclub – 60,000 Russian ebooks for a year

Researchers, teachers and students of the University of Helsinki have access to 60,000 ebook titles of Russian ebook platform Biblioclub – University Library Online during one-year period. The ebook collection consists of scholarly ebooks and e-textbooks from leading Russian publishers in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The vast collection covers not only present-day research but also digitized material. Take a look what eastern neighbor has to offer in research in political science, linguistics, literary science, history, mathematics and cultural studies!

In addition, the collection contains encyclopedias, audiobooks and educational multimedia.

Use advanced search to find ebook titles or browse the collection in Sections on the left on the main page. You can read e-books online or download them in PDF format. The download limit for some of the books is 10 % / day.

Access to the collection is available until the end of November 2017 after which the 200 most used books will be selected to the Helsinki University library e-book collection. The online subscription to Biblioclub has been financed with support from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Helsinki.

Biblioclub – University Library Online

Availability: 1.12.2016–30.11.2017
Further information: Emilia Pyykönen,


Need advice with self-archiving your publications?

Researchers of University of Helsinki can order personal librarian to help with Open Access publishing and self-archiving to TUHAT / HELDA.

Other topics to discuss about could be for example the requirements of research funding organizations concerning open access publishing or choosing the way to publish openly.

Please, fill out the form and make an order by the end of the year 2016. Appointment can be arranged during December 2016 – January 2017, exact time will be confirmed later according to your wishes.

You can find more information about open access and related services in the Open Access guide.

Library’s opening hours 19.12.2016-15.1.2017

Holiday season opening hours begin on Monday December 19th at the Helsinki University Library. We will return to normal hours on Monday January 16th, 2017.

Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries are closed from Dec24th to January 1st. Kaisa House as well as Learning centres Aleksandria and Minerva are open between holidays December 27th-30th.

Check all holiday season opening hours from the library’s website

How do you feel about New Helka?

The National Library of Finland is carrying out a brief feedback survey on Finna search service – the new Helka’s back-end system – on December 7th – December 27th 2016. It will take about five to ten minutes to complete. The results will be used to further develop Finna.

Among the survey participants, there will be a prize draw of a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7″ 4G 32GB New Edition.

You can access the survey from this link:

Welcome to participate in the survey! Your opinion is important! brings together the collections of Finnish archives, libraries and museums. Currently, Finna includes more than 100 organisations and over 11 million searchable items. The amount of material grows steadily, when new organisations join Finna. The National Library of Finland is responsible for developing and maintaining Finna.

More e-books for humanistic and social sciences – Oxford Handbooks and Routledge Handbooks collections expand

Helsinki University Library has acquired multidisciplinary e-book collections to support  the digital learning environment. E-books are available in Helsinki university network and they will be catalogued in Helka by the end of the year.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Annual Collections were acquired for these subject areas:
Classical Studies, Economics & Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Religion. The years which are covered depends on the collection, usually years 2012-2016 are included. Annual Collections contain all new content available within a calendar year, including newly released Handbooks in addition to articles written for future Handbooks or for online-only publication.

The Foundation Collection was acquired of these subject areas: Classical Studies, Law, Linguistics, Music, Political Science and Religion. Foundation Collection includes everything available in print up until the first half of 2012.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Routledge Handbooks Online

94 new titles has been acquired from these collections:
Archaeology & Classics, Asian Studies, Communication, Journalism, Media & Culture, Business & Economics, Education, Foreign Languages, Philosophy,
Politics, History, Law, Linguistics, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion and Sociology.

Routledge Handbooks