Campaigning for peace and quiet: Let the other visitors work in peace

We receive feedback from one year to another that it should be quieter in the library. However, it is almost impossible to be any quieter than it already is. Normal human voices and sounds must be accepted in a public place.

When you are at the University Library, remember that it is a peaceful environment in which people are primarily studying, reading and working.

Be considerate and let the other visitors work in peace. Keep your voice at a library-appropriate level and make your phone calls on the designated phone locations or somewhere aside, so you don’t disturb others.

WhatsApp number for matters concerning premises and devices

If you spot something wrong in premises or devices at the Kaisa House, and you are not able to solve the situation, you can send a message via WhatsApp.

The Kaisa House customer service reads WhatsApp messages during the service hours, Mon-Fri 10 AM -7 PM, Sat 11 AM – 5 PM. The number you’ll find on posters and info-TV when you visit the library.

The Viikki Campus Library is also going to try WhatsApp, possibly during this spring. We hope that via WhatsApp, reporting is easier for a customer, and that the staff is able to act faster.

Campaigning for Peace and Quiet in the Helsinki University Library, March 5th-13th, 2018

  1. Library is for everyone
  2. Read in harmony with others
  3. Keep an eye on your belongings
  4. Different spaces, different uses
  5. Keep the study areas tidy
  6. Let the other visitors work in peace
  7. Room also for a group study work.