LSE Pilot is officially live!

The grand opening of the Life Science pilot on the May 24th offered a chance for GMB students and staff to get together and hear about the development process and faces behind the Expertome. We’d like to extend a big thanks to everyone who was present and gave feedback so we can continue to develop the LSE to suit your needs even better than before. We also had the chance to take participants on a tour around the Expertome and to reveal our fresh new layout, logo and brand new members for the very first time! But what does our logo tell people about the LSE – and what does it mean to us?

We at the LSE believe that companies and students have different, individual facets to their expertise, training and professional needs. In order to succeed in a field that often requires multidisciplinary approaches for complex problem solving, the LSE seeks to bring these facets together to combine them in a structure that is stronger together than its individual parts. Whether your skills are mostly mathematical blue, medicine teal or biology green – or a mixed combination of those – the LSE is a great tool to spin them around to find you a fit in the Life Science network. When combined correctly, these individual parts form a firm basis for new innovations of the future, and the LSE will be here to help lay the foundations!

Welcome to the Expertome!


The LSE Staff


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