LOSS hosted first big seminar on internet surveillance, security and constitutional law in Finland

The “Verkkovalvonta, Turvallisuus ja Perusoikeudet” (internet surveillance, security and constitutional law) seminar, organized by the LOSS research project, brought together over 90 academics, policy-makers, civil society representatives and business to discuss the planned online surveillance powers for the Finnish Defence forces and the security police. The participants were at odds over the issue: while the representatives of the Defence forces and the security police strongly favored online surveillance powers, several other discussants were of the view that the proper way to strike the appropriate balance between rights and security is to say no to electronic mass surveillance.

A short article on the seminar can be found here (in Finnish).



Event on hate speech online

On the 5th of June 2015, 18:00 – 20:00, LOSS Helsinki member Eliška Pírková will be a panelist in the event ‘Let’s talk hate speech online’ – a discussion seminar focusing on the phenomenon of hate speech online. The seminar brings together specialists from various fields who will discuss different perspectives. Other speakers include Mariam Abdulkarim (journalist, activist), Jani Toivola, (MP), Sampo Villanen (Project Coordinator, No Hate Speech Movement) and (Maria Hakala, Social Media Strategist, Måndag).

The event is organized by Måndag.


Surveillance at State of the Union 2015

This year’s State of the Union conference at the EUI in Florence has a strong focus on surveillance and security. It also marks the presentation of the final results of the SURVEILLE Project, to which some of the LOSS Project members are a part of.

Some LOSS members traveled to Florence to participate in the SURVEILLE Project presentation sessions, including Prof Juha Lavapuro and Prof Tuomas Ojanen.

More info on SoU 2015

Events can also be followed via live stream.

More photos from State of the Union 2015: https://stateoftheunion.eui.eu/photo-gallery

More photos from State of the Union 2015: https://stateoftheunion.eui.eu/photo-gallery

EVENT: Verkkovalvonta, Turvallisuus ja Perusoikeudet

On Monday, 25th of May 2015, the LOSS Project will hold a workshop on Internet surveillance, security and constitutional law. The event will be held in Finnish.

Please register.

UPDATE: The event if fully booked.

Verkkovalvonta, Turvallisuus ja Perusoikeudet.
25.5.2015 ​13:00-17:00
Helsingin yliopiston konsistorin sali (Fabianinkatu 33, 2 krs)


Seminaarissa tarkastellaan verkkovalvonnan ja elektronisen massavalvonnan vaikutuksia turvallisuuteen, yksityisyyden suojaan sekä tietoturvaan: Parantaako verkkovalvonta ihmisten, yritysten ja valtion turvallisuutta? Miten verkkovalvonta vaikuttaa yritysten toimintaedellytyksiin? Mitkä ovat verkkovalvonnan oikeudelliset rajat ja vaikutukset erityisesti yksityiselämän suojan ja tietoturvan näkökulmasta?


Workshop: ‘Surveillance, Privacy and Transnational Relations in the Digital Era’

Today and tomorrow, (12th and 13th of March) the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) Research Group on Constitutional Responses to Terrorism is holding a workshop titled ‘Surveillance, Privacy and Transnational Relations in the Digital Era‘ at the  Institut d’Etudes Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Prof. Tuomas Ojanen (University of Helsinki) will present a paper on ‘Electronic (Mass)surveillance in the post Digital Rights Ireland era’ on the Panel ‘The European Court of Justice Data Retention case and its aftermath’ today at 14:15 chaired by Prof. David Cole (Georgetwon University).

The keynote will be held by former European Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustnix tomorrow at 14:00.

Full program here.


LOSS-Project team at the EUI in Florence

On the 25th of February, parts of the LOSS project team visited the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence where we participated in a workshop on current data protection challenges in Europe. The workshop was hosted by the EUI and Prof Martin Scheinin as well as the EUI InfoSoc working group.

The event started with an introduction of the LOSS project by Prof Juha Lavapuro (LOSS team Tampere) and was followed by presentations on the current state of the EU data protection reform by Maria-Grazia Porcedda (EUI) and Przemyslaw Palka (EUI) as well as the timely dimensions of the right to be forgotten in EU law by Prof Giovanni Sartor (EUI).

During the afternoon part of the workshop, Jens Kremer (LOSS team Helsinki) presented on private video recordings, dash cams and EU data protection law followed by Prof Tuomas Ojanen (LOSS team Helsinki) on electronic mass-surveillance post Digital Rights Ireland and Eliška Pírková on the freedom of expression in a digital age.

The workshop’s rich and fruitful debates were continued at a reception in Villa Schifanoia. LOSS would like to thank all participants and presenters for the high quality debates and presentations which made the workshop a great success. We are looking forward to continuing debates!

LOSS-team at the EUI in Florence

EUI and LOSS-Project data protection workshop

The EUI InfoSoc Working Group, Professor Martin Scheinin and the LOSS Project invite for a workshop on Data Protection in Europe on Wednesday 25th February 10.00-16.00, Mansarda, Villa Schifanoia, EUI, Florence, followed by a reception.

The future of European Data Protection Law is yet to be determined. 2012 Commission’s proposal for the Regulation unifying and modernizing current DPL is one of the most lobbied legislative documents Brussels have ever witnessed, and hardly in its final shape. In the meantime, ECJ’s decisions in Digital Rights Ireland and Google Spain set tone to the discussion, taking place in the shadow of TTIP.

The purpose of the workshop is present up to date knowledge on the current state of affairs in the debate over Data Protection Law Reform, and present for discussion results of research concerning i.a. questions of the right to be forgotten, mass surveillance, private CCTV and freedom of expression in digital age.

Welcome! Please register here.

Detailed Program

Welcome to the LOSS Project ‘s website!

LOSS is a multidisciplinary research project addressing the relationship between societal security and law in the context of securitization and surveillance. The sub-projects involved in the LOSS consortium combine expertise in European law, constitutional law, human rights law as well as criminology and empirical sociology of law. The sub-projects use this combined expertise for a focused study of law and societal security.

The LOSS Project receives funding by the Academy of Finland, starting from 1 January 2015. It consists of three research teams based at the University of Helsinki, University of Turku and University of Tampere.