Moodle operates normally during the Sisu deployment

Due to the deployment of the Sisu student information system, Oodi and Sisu are not available as usual from 17th to 30th May, 2021 (see Flamma News). During this time, Moodle will work normally.

New Moodle areas only with the order form

During the interruption of Sisu deployment, 17th to 30th May, Moodle areas cannot be created through course pages. If you want to create a Moodle area on the course pages, do so before or after the break (see Moodle Teacher’s Guide).

During the break, Moodle areas can be ordered using the form on the Moodle home page (see Moodle Teacher’s Guide).

Grades from Moodle to Sisu

From 31st May, 2021 you can export the final grades from Moodle directly to Sisu. This requires that the Moodle area has been created on the course pages and that Moodle Gradebook is in use. Instructions are coming in English to page Instructions for teaching.


If you have any questions about Moodle, please contact moodle (ät)