New course category for SSKH

Course areas for the Swedish School for Social Science (SSKH) in Moodle have sofar been listed under the course category for the Faculty of Social Sciences. Now SSKH has got it’s own course category with proper heraldic theme colouring.

The IT-responsible at SSKH, Christian Lindblom, has moved most SSKH course areas to the new category. But as he has no permissions for all course areas in need of change, there are some SSKH course areas still in the Faculty of Social Sciences category.

You can check the category of your course area via the block Settings > Edit settings where the category is listed above the course area name.

If your course area is in wrong category, ask for the change via email to with information on the course area address (copy it from the address field in the web browser) and the category the course area should be moved to.