A new version of Moodle (3.0) now in use!

UH Moodle was updated to a new version (Moodle 3.0) on Wednesday the 29th of June, 2016. The service break took us about two hours, in which time Moodle was not in use (8:00-10:00 a.m.).

The new version of Moodle brings some totally new features and a few improvements to activities. Moodle 3.0 combines popularity with efficiency offering four new quiz question types and course editing improvements along with a number of other welcome features:

  1. Improved filtering options on enrolled users list
  2. Drag-and-drop quiz question types: Select missing words, Drag-and-drop into text,
  3. Drag-and-drop onto image and Drag-and-drop markers
  4. Workshop submissions report
  5. Show the date a file was uploaded
  6. Atto editor improvements
  7. Option to delete private messages
  8. Streamlined section editing

All the new features are presented here.

See also the video about release highlights:

If you have anything to ask us about the new version of Moodle or the forthcoming service break, contact ok-moodle (ÄT) helsinki.fi.

Warning: Phising emails about Moodle – never let anyone else use your user account!

Some of our Moodle users have received phishing emails considering their Moodle account. The purpose of these scam messages is to persuade people into disclosing their user account information and passwords which might be used for security breach. Never give your user name or password to someone else! Remember also not to fill in suspicious electronic forms with your user account information!!!

  • The University IT staff will NEVER ask for your user account information via email! Messages prompting you for your user name or password are ALWAYS scams.
  • Some of the currently circulating phishing messages contain a link to a page where the user should allegedly check their user information or update it. Often these messages will claim that failure to fill in the requested information will lead to the inactivation of the user’s account. This is not true!
  • Check the target address of the link: Hover your cursor over the link (without clicking it!). The address will be shown in the bottom part of the screen. If the address does not seem authentic, the message is most probably a fake.
  • If you have any reason to doubt the authenticity of a message, don’t open any links it may contain. Please ask the Helpdesk instead. If you are targeted by phishing messages, please contact the University of Helsinki IT Helpdesk helpdesk@helsinki.fi. Only report attempts to acquire your password!
  • The University does NOT send its users links to pages asking for user information or passwords.
  • Never let anyone else use your user account or password!

Read more about phishing emails and online security at Helpdesk’s guide page.

More information about Moodle service break (30.12.2015 08:00-12:00)

Moodle is updated to a new version (2.9) at the 30th of December during 08:00-12:00. At this time UH Moodle at moodle.helsinki.fi will not be in use at all!

Moodle 2.9 brings together some new features and many enhancements such as streamlined navigation, useful improvements to activities.

  1. A new user menu includes a new Preferences page to conveniently update personal settings and a new Grades page which display grades from all courses.
  2. The user interface of the teachers will have new improvements on “Drag and Drop” abilities and to some assignments such as Lesson, Quiz and Forum. 

All the new features are presented here.

See also the video about release highlights:


Moodle support for teaching staff on Christmas holidays during 24.12.2015 – 3.1.2016

Moodle support for teachers is on vacation during Christmas time and thus we have somewhat longer response time than usual. This means that we are unable to answer messages sent to ok-moodle @ helsinki.fi during December 24 – January 3 2016. We will get back to you later in January (during week 2) but if you need a new Moodle course area before that, we recommend that you should send your requests at the beginning of week 52 at the latest.

Students can contact Helpdesk on weekdays between 08:00-17:00 tel. 02941 55555 & helpdesk@helsinki.fi

Problems with Moodle (5.11.2015)

UH Moodle was out of use at the 5th of November because of unexpected fault situation! We worked our best to solve the problem quickly but unfortunately Moodle was unusable the whole evening.

We are sorry for the inconvenience!

For more information, please contact ok-moodle@helsinki.fi

Edit: service break ended at 21:30 and Moodle is now back in use.