Production animals

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Aisla Anna-Maija  Lehmien käyttäytyminen lypsyn aikana automaattilypsyssä ja lypsyasemalla
Ala-Kurikka Eve Lameness of pigs
Haen Silke Progesterone: production, function and role in the early pregnancy of the pig
Heikkilä Matti  How do chicks learn to use perches? – the individual development of perching behaviour in chicks and its later effect on reducing severe welfare problems of laying hens
Hietaoja Juha Heart rate variability of cattle
Hiitiö Heidi Mastitis in Finland, prevalence, diagnostics and epidemiology
Hintukainen Joanna Streptococcus uberis mastitis in cattle: Bacterial virulence factors and host-microbe interactions
Hokkanen Ann-Helena Nupoutuksen vaikutus vasikan uneen ja muuhun hyvinvointiin
Kaukonen Eija Effect of housing conditions on broiler leg health
Kontturi Miia Infectious hoof diseases of dairy cattle in new Finnish loose-house stalls
Kothe Stefan Reproductive performance in the sow after weaning – implications for farrowing, follicular growth, ovulation and function of corpus luteum
Lindh Lena The role of  aromatase inhibition on the estrous cycle
Mustonen Eeva Isoflavones in feed, plasma and milk of ruminant animals
Sarjokari Kristiina Lehmien terveys ja hyvinvointi erilaisissa tuotanto-olosuhteissa
Seppä-Lassila Leena Acute phase proteins in calves and their use as a clinical tool
Venhoranta Heli Copy number variations behind the late abortions and stillbirths in the Finnish Ayrshire and gonadal hypoplasia in the Northern Finncattle
Yun Jinhyeon Oxytocin as a modulator of porcine maternal characteristics and reproduction