행복한 아이의 비밀

The Secrets of Happy Children, edited by Pirjo Suhonen, has been published in South Korea. In the book, 12 Finnish education and psychology experts reflect on Finnish education. One chapter of the book describes the results of Progressive Feedback described by Jyrki Reunamo. In the article, a child’s happiness and the value of play in building a meaningful life is discussed. Link to the book launch event https://biz.chosun.com/culture/culture_general/2024/05/19/HOTKTFLU75HU3FMSTFP6XGQHIQ/?utm_source=naver&utm_medium=original&utm_campaign=biz. The book can be purchased from the Korean online store https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000213303968 or from Aladin https://www.aladin.co.kr/m/mproduct.aspx?ItemId=339583877. The cultures and customs of Finland and Korea differ from each other, but there is also much in common. Rewarding Korean language studies! Thank you for Pirjo Suhonen for her hard but successful work!

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