About the Project

The research project Facilitating Electoral Participation from Abroad (FACE) analyses transnational political participation and the representation of Finnish citizens living abroad. The project is a follow-up for Johanna Peltoniemi’s doctoral dissertation research On the Borderlines of Voting : Finnish emigrants’ transnational identities and political participation (2018).

The two main objectives of the project are:

  1. to scrutinize the biases related to the electoral participation of Finnish citizens living abroad and
  2. to identify methods that help to mobilize the electorate based outside of Finland.

Furthermore, the project includes a qualitative text analysis of parliamentary debates pertaining to the political inclusion of Finns living abroad.

The project period is 1.4.201931.5.2021. It is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Please find the FACE survey privacy policy here.
Please find the privacy policy for the FACE qualitative data collection here.


FACE researchers and their tasks within the project

Johanna Peltoniemi

  • Project Manager
  • Survey

Hanna Wass

  • Survey
  • Register research

Miroslav Nemčok

  • Survey

Kimmo Makkonen

  • Text analyses

Zhen Im

  • Survey

Marjukka Weide

  • Project coordination
  • Qualitative research

Email addresses follow the format name.surname@helsinki.fi.