Frequently Asked Questions

I have typed the survey address correctly in my browser but cannot access the survey. What to do?

The survey is monitored daily and we have not observed any service disruptions. The problem may be due to settings in your device or browser, as we are using an automatic redirect from the address you type in to the actual survey page. Please try this direct link instead:


Please note that a personal code is required for participating in this survey. You find the code in your survey invitation letter. If you have not received the letter or have lost it, please contact us at votingabroad@helsinki.fi.


Where do I insert my personal code?

Type in your code in the box right below the text “Please log in here”. In the Finnish language screen shot below, the box is marked with number 1.

The button for going forward in the survey is marked with number 2 in the picture. The language menu is marked with number 3. You can change the language at any point during the survey.


How long does it take to answer the survey?

This varies greatly between respondents. It is typical to spend 25–35 minutes but there are also many quicker and slower respondents. Please note that you can take a break from answering the questions and return to the survey within a week from the time you started (see below).


Can I close the survey and return to it later?

Yes, if you need a break you can close the survey by just closing the tab/browser. You can access the survey for a week from the time you started.

It is important that when returning, you use the same devise and browser as when you started. The survey opens from the question where you left it. The personal login code is not used again.

If it is not possible for you to access the same devise again, please contact us at votingabroad@helsinki.fi.


I am a Finnish citizen living abroad but did not receive an invitation to this survey. How can I participate?

You are most welcome to participate. Please contact us at votingabroad@helsinki.fi. We will ask you for some background information after which you will receive the link to the survey and a personal code to access it.