Shrove Tuesday

In Finland students celebrate the Shrove Tuesday (4.3.2014) by going out sledging and eating buns filled with whipped cream and jam! Though we are seriously lacking snow this year a Academic Sledging competition is still on in Kaivopuisto!

The Shrove Tuesday is the biggest Student event in the winter and is called Laskiainen. It takes place in Kaivopuisto, Ullanlinnanmäki where all the student organizations from Helsinki gather to go sledging. Bring something to sit on while going down the hill (a sledge of some form or something else, you can be creative!). And if you have overalls this is the time to test their durability before Vappu. 🙂 Something warm to drink might also be a good idea.The best time to enjoy the great outdoors is between 1PM and 5PM.

There is also a big Academic Sledging competition, so come cheer as the teams race down the hill in one of the most challenging competitions of the year (one year there was even a sauna going down the hill). Enter the race by signing up at or on the spot in Kaivopuisto, but do it before 2PM on Shrove Tuesday!

Afterwards there are usually several After ski parties. Also remember to taste the Laskiaispulla. There is a big debate going on every year in all of Finland about if they taste better with jam or almond paste, try both and decide yourselves!