The University’s 375th anniversary is a celebration for all

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The University of Helsinki will celebrate its 375th anniversary next year.

The University’s 375th anniversary year will feature science and events not only for the University and its alumni, but also for the citizens of Helsinki.
The ensemble of events will highlight the University’s role as a contributor to public welfare. The year’s themes focus on environmental change, health and wellbeing, learning in the future, a global Helsinki, and the world order and world view.

“Our aim is to design a multifaceted series of events together with students, researchers and the entire staff. The University’s anniversary is a celebration for each and every member of the academic community, all of whom are invited this spring to submit suggestions for the anniversary year’s programme,” explains Paula Arvas (on the left), the programme producer for the 375th anniversary year.

Thinkfest takes over the town
The anniversary year 2015 will feature four major events: the opening celebration on 21 January for staff and students will be followed by a special event in connection with the University’s anniversary on 26 March.  At the time of the opening of the academic year, Thinkfest, an urban festival for thinking and scholarship will take over the University and its surroundings.  The jubilee year will close with an international conference in November.
The University is also inviting its external partnersto participate in planning and to attend the anniversary events. The aim is for some of the initiatives to become part of the University’s future activities.
“As the alumni are an important part of the academic community, we wish to include them in the celebrations,” asserts Johanna Mäenpää (on the right), the University’s alumni coordinator.
The programme for the anniversary year will be finalised by autumn 2014.

Further information:
Paula Arvas, Programme Producer, University of Helsinki 375th Anniversary
Johanna Mäenpää, Alumni Coordinator

Text: Paula Arva ja Tiina Palomäki
Photo: Linda Tammisto