Photo competition for exchange students at UH


What is your Helsinki like? How do you see the University?
Show this in one picture!

In order to find out more about the real experience of exchange students, International Exchange Services of the University of Helsinki is hosting a photo competition for its incoming exchange students during autumn 2012.

Send us your best photo (only one photo per participant, high level JPG file) which represents your University of Helsinki exchange experience.

  • Send the photo to
  • Deadline 31 October 2012
  • Title of the e-mail “photo competition”.

Best pictures will be rewarded

  • 1st prize: 200 euros
  • 2nd prize: 100 euros
  • 3rd-10th prize: gift certificate

The winning photos will be published on the websites of the University of Helsinki, and displayed around the University, with your name mentioned of course. Impress us, and your friends, too, and help us tell the world what it’s like to be an exchange student here!

When sending your photo, include your name, contact information, a short description of the photo. Also, please make sure that you have permission from all the people in the photo for the photo to be published. The winning photos will be used in the promotion of the University of Helsinki’s International Exchange Services, for instance on the website, brochures etc., with your name as the photographer. By taking part, you give the right to use your photo with no extra compensation.

Degree students, visiting students and potential applicants, sorry! This competition is only open for the incoming exchange students, who are studying at the University of Helsinki during autumn 2012. Bilateral exchange students, Erasmus or Nordplus students, ISEP, N2N etc. — whichever exchange programme brought you here, please participate!    

There’s a Facebook event for the competition as well, come see who else is participating.

Raisa from the International Exchange Services,
Photo by Eva Anundi

Time to Learn Some Finnish!

Photograph by Eeva Anundi
Photograph by Eeva Anundi

The time to register for the autumn semester’s Finnish courses for international exchange and degree students has started! The registration period will end next Friday on August 31st at 11.59pm or 4pm depending on the course.

The Department for Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies is responsible for the Finnish language teaching for all the International Students of the University of Helsinki. Check out their webpages on more information about different courses and means of registration.

For those students who won’t be arriving before August 31st, if you missed the registration, you can still contact the teacher of the course you’re interested in to enquire whether there would be space in the course.

The application period for the incoming exchange students for the spring 2013 has started!


The application period for the incoming exchange students for the spring semester 2013 has just begun!

To get started with your exchange student application process, please read our previous blog post here. Remember also to explore our exchange-website!

Please remember that the online registration form will be closed on 15.10.2012!

We hope to see you in Helsinki next spring! (For the succesful applicants who will be arriving to Helsinki for spring semester 2013, the Welcome Fair will take place on 8th and 9th January)

Kaisa from the International Exchange Services

The Welcome Fair is just around the corner!

WELCOME_FAIR_LOGO_blackWelcome Fair will take place on August 30 to September 1, 2012 (Language Centre of the University of Helsinki, Fabianinkatu 26). Welcome Fair is the first not-to-be-missed opportunity to get to know the University and the Campuses as well as to get all the official matters out of the way.

At the Welcome Fair you can pick up information materials, certificates such as the certificate of attendance and local transport discount certificates and ask all the questions you have.

Please read more about Welcome Fair from our previous blog post.

All dates, hours and locations for the different orientations, sessions and the Welcome Fair, are available on the Orientation website. Faculty Orientation timetables can be found here.

Please follow the Schedule of your own Faculty, it will include a visit to the Welcome Fair. Usually your tutor will bring you there. You can also come by yourself if you have free time, but remember to attend your Faculty’s programme!

We have also created a Facebook event for the Welcome Fair, if you are on Facebook, please join the event and you will see who else is coming!

See you all soon at the Welcome Fair, you don’t want to miss it!

Kaisa from the International Exchange Services

Still time to apply for the International Student Grants 2012!

The application period for the International Student Grants 2012 closes on Friday, August 31st 2012 at 15:00 (3:00 p.m.) Finnish time.

The University of Helsinki is giving about 50 start-up grants this year to qualified students who are accepted to study in an International Master’s Degree Programme. The amount of each grant will be in total 1000-1500 euro tax free. The grants are not meant to cover living expenses, but we hope that the little extra money will help you to settle in Helsinki!

Applications can be submitted through an online application form. The application time closes on Friday, August 31st 2012 at 15:00 (3:00 p.m.) Finnish time.

See more info on the grants, criteria and how to apply on the application pages.

One Night of Future Possibilities leading to two years in Helsinki?

Night of Future Possibilities Study Fair
The fish was this big… Or staff testing the background for the photo session at the Helsinki Summer School study fair.

University of Helsinki, or UH in short, was invited to the Night of Future Possibilities study fair organized by Helsinki Summer School this week. Thanks for all summer school students for visiting us at the fair! We took photos of you, have a look at the album on our Facebook page.

If you come to Helsinki for three weeks for summer school, why not find out how to stay a bit longer. Most of the courses in summer school are organized by the University of Helsinki and our Master’s Degree Programmes. Summer School is probably the best way to get to know more about a programme, the facilities, the staff, etc. before applying for degree studies.

Why should you choose UH? Well, it is a pretty good university! The Shanghai ranking list for 2012 was published this week and UH is again in the Top 100. This year we’re ranked 73rd out of world’s 15 000 universities. UH is aiming even higher, to the Top 50. There is no success in university rankings if we’re not truly international. There are about 3000 international students here, but we want more. This is why the faculties have worked hard for having today a wide range of International Master’s Degree Programmes open for international (and Finnish) students.

We have asked the students for their opinion too. UH participated in the International Student Barometer (ISB) in 2010. There were over 200 universities worldwide that took part in the survey. A questionnaire was sent to international students at UH and they were among the most active ones of all participants. 68% took part in the survey – and that’s a lot.

There are a few things worth mentioning in ISB. It is clear that the research and long traditions are important and UH was seen as a very prestigious institution. Almost 90% of the students would recommend the study experience to others. The learning environment is world-class, no doubt about that. The labs and learning spaces were ranked to one of the highest positions. And so were our sports services – it is not all about studying, you have to look after yourself, too.

One thing that was striking with Finland was the safety issue. Students really feel safe. Maybe I should also mention good public transport between our four campuses, libraries, IT services, catering, etc. I mean everyday life is quite uncomplicated here. Ok, Helsinki is not the cheapest place to live in though…  But you get value for your money.

A few words more about the facilities. In just a few weeks UH’s new main library, the Kaisa Library, opens its doors. It has already been described an example of WOW architecture and will probably become one of the landmarks in Helsinki. The library couldn’t be more centrally located and it offers group work facilities, a book cafe, silent rooms, even rocking chairs! And probably much more. We’ll see when the place opens 3 September.

We hope you enjoy your time in summer school, Helsinki and at UH – hope to see you again!!

Admissions Services

Questions from exchange students before arrival


As you are getting ready to pack your suitcases, you may have tons of questions going through your head. Don’t worry, everything will sort out and soon you’ll be here! Just in case you are wondering, here’s a list of the often asked questions from exchange students before arrival.

When can I sign up for courses?
You can sign up for courses after arrival. You need a UH computer user ID for that. You will receive the computer user ID at the Welcome Fair + instructions for using WebOodi to register for courses.

When can I pay the Student Union membership?
There are two ways of paying,
either before arrival:
in cash at the Welcome Fair on Thursday or Friday. Please bring exact change to make things faster. If you want to pay in cash, please remember that paying in cash is not possible on Saturday. You have to make the decision about joing the Student Union when you arrive: if you are here for the Welcome Fair, you cannot join later than 1 September.

When can I apply for a LYYRA card?
If you have joined the Student Union, you can apply for a LYYRA card after arrival. You need your UH student number for that. You will receive the student number at the Welcome Fair.

When do I get my student number?
You will receive the student number at the Welcome Fair.

Where can I find the Orientation Course schedule for my own Faculty?
Check it here

When do I meet my tutor?
You will meet you tutor and tutor group during the Orientation course.

Where do I get the stamp and signature for my Erasmus Arrival Certificate and/or other documents, which my home university gave me?
You will get the stamp and signature at the Welcome Fair.

Do you organize a pick-up service? Can someone else pick up my keys from HOAS because their office is closed when I arrive?
Unfortunately we are unable to organize a pick-up service. Please go to the HOAS office to get your keys. If you want someone else to pick them up for you, that person needs a proxy, e.g. written permission from you (with your name, birthday, address in Finland, recipient’s name, birthday and your signature).

How can I open a bank account?
Opening a bank account in Finland is fairly simple. You need to have your passport with you + the papers from the University, which you receive at the Welcome Fair. Many exchange students do not open a bank account, however, and just use the ATMs to withdraw money from their bank account at home.

I don’t have housing, what should I do?
Check this

How can I find the HOAS office and my dormitory and the Welcome Fair location? Can I get a student discount for public transportation?
There’s a good website, which will help you find your way around, we all use this, too:
You will get a student discount for the months that you are studying here (in most cases, September-December or September-May). You will receive papers for this at the Welcome Fair.

The Welcome Fair location is UH’s Language Centre, street address: Fabianinkatu 26.  Iif you are on Facebook, please join the Welcome Fair facebook event and you’ll see who else will be there.

And most importantly:
Will you make friends? Sure.
Will you learn things? Yes.
Are we excited for your arrival? Yes!


Raisa from the International Exchange Services

No housing offer yet?

No flat before arriving in Helsinki?

If you need a temporary housing in Helsinki you can try booking a bed from CheapSleep hostel for prize 22e/night. The beds can be reserved on beforehand or onsite via hostel’s web site by using special booking codes.

If you want to book the bed before arriving to Helsinki please use booking code “STUDENT”.

NOTE: Hostel’s booking calendar will show the beds available only after you have typed in the booking code in the box on the right corner of the page.

Find a flat, Mate!

30 August, 16.00-19.00, Think Corner, Aleksanterinkatu 7

Find a flat, Mate! is an event for international students looking for an apartment and for landlords looking for a reliable tenant for a longer or shorter period of time. This event is targeted to the international students who have faced difficulties in finding a place to stay in Finland and also for people who are looking for a new tenant, subtenant, flat mate or simply want to offer a place to stay overnight.

The goal is to share information about how to find a flat in Finland and to find solutions for acute housing problems. Lyyra, HOAS, Forenom, Ne-Rå Councelling centre and CheapSleep hostel are also present to share first hand tips about housing in Finland.

HOAS on Facebook

HOAS customer service is also on Facebook with up-to-date information about the housing situation.

The Student Union – it’s good for you!

Hello everyone! This is the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY for short) welcoming you to the community of university students at UH. The Student Union is a 143-year-old interest and service organisation for approximately 30,000 students, which you can join by paying the membership fee. And why should you join? Let me tell you about some of the benefits available to our members.

About half of the membership fee is the health care fee of FSHS, Finnish Student Health Service. They provide general, mental and oral health care services for undergraduate students. General health care is free of charge and dentist appointments come at a reasonable price. The health care system alone is good enough reason to join the Student Union! Doctoral/PhD students unfortunately can’t use the services of FSHS but their membership fee is of course smaller by half.

In Finland students get a lot of discounts – but only if they have a student card. Only members of the Student Union can get the student card, also known as the Lyyra card. With the Lyyra card you can get discounts such as -50% of public transport and cheap lunches at Unicafe in addition to more than 1000 discounts all over Finland. For more information about Lyyra, go to and apply for the card before you arrive in Finland. If you have trouble paying the card online, you can also pay it at the Student Union’s Service office.

And a special note to all exchange students; if you want to join the Student Union, you have to do so by 31st of August OR within five working days of your arrival to Finland. If you arrive late, you need to visit the Student Services in the Main building of the University before coming to the Student Union’s office.

More information about the membership fee and member benefits on the Student Union’s webpage.

Make sure that you get the best out of your stay in Finland – join the Student Union!

Emma Ronkainen
Office Secretary

Changed for life?

Not too long ago I was contacted by a journalist who asked me if I knew of any research as to the consequences of studying abroad. A surprisingly simple question I thought first, but after a while I had to conclude that there really is no solid research as to how people are affected if and when the study outside their home country. This is very surprising because practically all universities are sending and receiving students from abroad and millions of students are undertaking full degrees or exchange periods in foreign universities. Why do we do it, and why do you?

Do not get me wrong, I am not questioning your decision to come to Helsinki. Quite the opposite. I am just saying there is no scientific proof of what this will do for you. I was an exchange student in the US for a year when I was in high school. And apart from learning English I really cannot pinpoint how I was changed as a result of this experience. But I am very convinced that my life would have been very different without having spent the year away from home. Maybe I would not even be writing this blog entry…?

You are just about to be exposed to the Finnish way of life, the learning environment and fellow students at the University of Helsinki. You will meet people you probably would not have met without having opted to study with us. You will of course learn things in classrooms or laboratories but I would still guess that you will learn an equal amount outside classes. I am not advocating skipping classes but rather that you open yourself to all kinds of new opportunities and make the most of your time at the University. And hopefully you look back ten or twenty years from now, you can be as convinced as I am based on my study abroad experience that I would not change it for anything.

Welcome to be changed for life!

Markus Laitinen
Head of International Affairs