University Students’ Torch Parade on the Finnish Independence Day, December 6

The Finnish Independence Day is celebrated on December 6. Independence was achieved in 1917, so 2015 marks the 98th year of an independent Finnish state. Traditionally, Independence Day, a public holiday, is celebrated quietly by lighting two blue-and-white candles by the windows for everyone to see from the outside, and by watching the President’s Independence Day Reception and Ball from television. As with many other odd Finnish traditions, this kind of celebration might be considered an acquired taste.

For students, though, the celebrations include instead an atmospheric torch-lit procession within the Helsinki city centre.

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The torches – an important part of the Independence Day celebrations for students

The student unions of the capital region (HYY, AYY, TaiYo and SHS) organise the traditional Independence Day torch parade of university students. Students follow the flags of their student union, and student organisation or student nation, carrying torches and wearing their white Finnish student caps.

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Meet our Alumna! “I know that any task, any assignment or presentation is possible to do brilliantly – you just need to do your best.”

Anna Yukhtenko
Anna Yukhtenko
Study field:
City Center Campus
Employer and position:
Danone Finland, Category and Field analyst trainee at Danone

Hi Anna! How are you?

Hi! Fine, thanks. Going back home from the gym 🙂

How did you end up in Finland and studying in the programme?

After finishing the Bachelor’s degree, I figured I wanted to study abroad. I have been to Finland many times before, and really liked the country. Knew my way around Helsinki etc. One of my Finnish friends at the time was actually studying and the UH. Then I checked the webpage of the University, found the programme that I liked and applied for it!:) I was studying in the best University in Moscow, and when it was time to choose the place to continue studies, I would settle for no less than the best University in Finland. Continue reading “Meet our Alumna! “I know that any task, any assignment or presentation is possible to do brilliantly – you just need to do your best.””

Meet our students! “The opportunity to work with all the great minds makes the university very special.”

rupshaName: Rupsha Bagch
Study field:
Computer Science
Campus: Kumpula

What made Finland stand out as your study destination? Why is the University of Helsinki so special?

The education system of Finland is so famous all over the world! A lot of countries try to learn from this system. This is one of the main reasons that drew me to Finland. Apart from that, the emphasis on nature and the contrasting seasons was sort of exotic for me. All this, and no tuition fees made it a very attractive destination.

University of Helsinki has always ranked under the top 100 universities of the world. The opportunity to work with all the great minds, getting to choose any course from any department and the informal atmosphere makes it very special. Continue reading “Meet our students! “The opportunity to work with all the great minds makes the university very special.””

Heading home exchange student?

Photo: Eeva Anundi
Photo: Eeva Anundi

Dear exchange student at the UH, most of you are probably soon heading home and we would like to thank you for sharing this experience with us!

We hope that you have enjoyed your studies and student life here in Helsinki and will return home with a backpack full of knowledge and great memories!

Important information for returning exchange students

● Check your transcript through WebOodi. Your University of Helsinki username usually works until the end of January. Please save the course descriptions for the credit transfer at your home university as after your UH username expires you won’t be able to login the WebOodi anymore.

● If all of your credits have already been registered before you leave, you can collect your official transcript at the Student Services. Continue reading “Heading home exchange student?”

Want to be an expert in forest sciences and business?


The Master’s degree programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) aims at educating students to become professionals with versatile skills and expertise applicable to national and international forest sectors. The programme is based on high quality teaching founded in internationally renowned research. The programme is designed to allow the student to gain a broad knowledge base, to specialize in their own field, to think independently and critically, and to develop problem-solving skills

Graduates in Forest Ecology and Management have found employment in the fields of forestry, nature conservation, and environmental science both nationally and internationally. The work can include managing and utilizing detailed information about forest resources, the monitoring of forest carbon balances and biodiversity. Graduates from Forest Economics and Marketing typically find employment as experts in organizations and industry where environmental and economic issues are combined, such as marketing and management, research and consulting, as well as in the public sector at national or international levels. Continue reading “Want to be an expert in forest sciences and business?”

Meet our students!”I would love to work in field of Human Rights”

“I’ve got pretty much long name to start with ’Mian Awais Ahmad’, but you may call me Mian, I’m living in Helsinki since 2012.”

Name: Mian Awais Ahmad
Study field:
Campus: City Center Campus

Hi Mian! What made Finland stand out as your study destination?The main reason which made me pick Finland was about its strong understanding of equality between students i.e. free education for all.

Plenty of reasons that make University of Helsinki “so special”. That includes its fantastic reputation, high international ranking, rich history, culture, and excellent faculty of course.

So what has been the best part in your studies so far?
As a law student, the availability of vast opportunities outside text books. For example, I have joined Law School Clinic at the moment which gave me a chance to work with refugees and asylum seekers. Continue reading “Meet our students!”I would love to work in field of Human Rights””

The Anniversary Celebration of the Student Union – You’re Invited!

The Student Union of the University of Helsinki celebrates its 147th anniversary November 18-26, and all members are invited!

The anniversary week is full of events ranging from free films and free entrance to Ateneum, to a singles’ night in the National Museum! The grande finale of the anniversary celebrations is HYY’s birthday party at the Old Student House.  All students of the University of Helsinki are welcome to the epic, most cross-disciplinary student party of the autumn term! Music and dancing are a given, but the celebration also features an student-sized ball pit, karaoke, and sparkling wine at very student-friendly prices. This is a night you don’t want to miss!

Welcome to the birthday party!

Continue reading “The Anniversary Celebration of the Student Union – You’re Invited!”

Art for Us! in Ateneum – Free entrance for students

A special students’ day in Ateneum is organised on Wednesday 18 Nov for the 11th time!

Ateneum organises the Art for Us! student day with the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) and Frank and  in cooperation  with the museum’s business partners Helsingin Sanomat, HOK-Elanto and KPMG.

Ateneum_Workshop (2)
An art workshop full of focused students at a previous Art for Us! event

Continue reading “Art for Us! in Ateneum – Free entrance for students”

#HelsinkiSecret Residence – want to join?

helsinkisecret_0What makes Helsinki such a cool place? What makes it so special? Want to find out what kind of student city Helsinki is? Are you interested in science? We invite you to live and breathe Helsinki lifestyle, our everyday life in a local way at the #HelsinkiSecret Residence.

Are you a blogger? Do you take photos? You could be the chosen one!
Please visit and apply at

More information about the campaign over here:

What is the #HelsinkiSecret Residence?
#HelsinkiSecret Residence is the first ever social influencer residence that allows its guests to step into local boots 365 days a year during the time period of 1.1.-31.12.2016. You can select your preferred length of visit and month. The #HelsinkiSecret Residence offers a live like local and slow travel experience. Continue reading “#HelsinkiSecret Residence – want to join?”

The Interns (part 2)


For the past couple of months, four interns have been working in different units of the University of Helsinki’s Education Services. For Minna, Lyra, Risto and Emmy (all university students themselves), the internship was not only an opportunity to gain relevant work experience, but it also offered a rare look into the infrastructure of the University’s academic administration and the many services it provides to students, teachers and other staff members. In this two-part series, the interns reveal some of the things they’ve learned along the way, the must-dos in Helsinki for locals and exchange students alike and more. Read on to find out what Risto and Emmy have to say about their internship so far.

Continue reading “The Interns (part 2)”