Paper out on accessibility measures in LUCC analyses

Our new paper is out in Ambio!

Here, we tested different accessibility measures in land use / land cover change models in Amazonia. Proper time distance surfaces are most useful when doing modelling the deforestation patterns of the Peruvian Amazonia. However, also combinations of Euclidean distance surfaces (Euclidean distance from the cities and from the rivers) perform fairly well at least in our study area.

Accessibility sessions in the annual meeting of Finnish Geographers

The annual meeting of Finnish geographers (Geography Days) was held in Helsinki during 26.–27.10.2012. We organized two accessibility sessions that gathered a variety of interesting presentations from different universities and departments. The first session on Friday focused on accessibility from the perspective of networks and the theme of the second session on Saturday was accessibility in landscapes. The abstracts of all presentations (in Finnish) can be downloaded from the Geography Days’ website (Accessibility in networks: abstracts / Accessibility in landscapes: abstracts).


Open data sources and freely available software are important for our studies both in the Helsinki region and in Amazonia. Examples from both study areas were presented at the Open Knowledge Festival (17-22.9.2012) that focused on questions of open knowledge and open data.

The title of Tuuli´s presentation was “Accessibility analysis in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area – using open data sources to model spatial accessibility patterns”
and Henrikki´s topic was “Riverboats of the Amazon: Automated Data Mining and GIS-analyses of GPS-based river navigation data with OS-Softwares”.