Stop the Press!! – A Pterosaur with an Egg

Junchang Lü, David M. Unwin, D. Charles Deeming, Xingsheng Jin, Yongqing Liu
and Qiang Ji

An Egg-Adult Association, Gender, and Reproduction in Pterosaurs

Science 21 January 2011:
Vol. 331 no. 6015 pp. 321-324
DOI: 10.1126/science.1197323


A sexually mature individual of Darwinopterus preserved together with an egg
from the Jurassic of China provides direct evidence of gender in pterosaurs
and insights into the reproductive biology of these extinct fliers. This new
find and several other examples of Darwinopterus demonstrate that males of
this pterosaur had a relatively small pelvis and a large cranial crest,
whereas females had a relatively large pelvis and no crest. The ratio of egg
mass to adult mass is relatively low, as in extant reptiles, and is
comparable to values for squamates. A parchment-like eggshell points to
burial and significant uptake of water after oviposition. This evidence for
low parental investment contradicts the widespread assumption that
reproduction in pterosaurs was like that of birds and shows that it was
essentially like that of reptiles.
