Category Archives: Club Meetings

Kurtén Club 8.10.

Dear All,

tomorrow we’ll make an excursion to Viikki to listen Alexander Schmidt, about

Microorganisms in amber and their use in understanding terrestrial paleoecosystems (Host: Jouko Rikkinen)

Time & Loc.:
15.15, 8.10.2013, room 2402 /Telkänpönttö), Biocenter 3, Viikki

AND, we will have a group meeting / conversation session at 16.30 in Kumpula.

If you have interesting articles that consider your or the groups work, feel free to bring them with you.

Time & Loc.:
16.30, 8.10.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Reminder and a CHANGE in schedule in Kurtén Club days, 30.9.-1.10.

Reminder: Lawrence Martin today, Monday.
Change in schedule: Scott Gilbert’s talk is at the usual club hours, 16.00, Tuesday.

Dear All,

this week, we will have two events:

On Monday, Lawrence Martin (Director of the Turkana Basin Institute) will give a public talk about,

Human evolution in the Turkana Basin, Kenya

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 30.9.2013, D101 Physicum, Kumpula

Before that, you will a chance to meet him and ask questions about TBI,

Time & Loc.:
14.00, 30.9.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula

On Tuesday, we will have the first part of Scott Gilbert & Jukka Jernvall back-to-back talks, where Scott Gilbert will talk about

What paleontologists should know about developmental biology

NOTICE that we will start 16.00 on Tuesday.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 1.10.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club days, 30.9.-1.10.

Dear All,

next week, we will have two events (normal club meeting will start already at 15.00):

On Monday, Lawrence Martin (Director of the Turkana Basin Institute) will give a public talk about,

Human evolution in the Turkana Basin, Kenya

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 30.9.2013, D101 Physicum, Kumpula

Before that, you will a chance to meet him and ask questions about TBI,

Time & Loc.:
14.00, 30.9.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula

On Tuesday, we will have the first part of Scott Gilbert & Jukka Jernvall back-to-back talks, where Scott Gilbert will talk about

What paleontologists should know about developmental biology

NOTICE that we will start already at 15.00 on Tuesday.

Time & Loc.:
15.00, 1.10.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula



Kurtén Club 24.9.

Dear All,

tomorrow we will have a group meeting / conversation session.

If you have interesting articles that consider your or the groups work, feel free to bring them with you.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 24.9.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club starts 17.9.

Dear All,

Kurtén Club starts again this autumn. Björn Kurtén Club is a forum for everyone interested in paleontology. Main participants are paleontology students, researchers and professors. This year, we have every other week a presentation/introduction, held either by one of the group members or a visiting lecturer, and every other week a group meeting/conversation session. Visit our blog for more information: .

next Tuesday, Juha Saarinen will give a talk about

The International Mammalogical Congress he visited a couple of weeks ago.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 17.9.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 6.8., summer special

Dear All,

next Tuesday, Analia Forasiepi (Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA), CCT Mendoza, CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina) will give a talk about

Patterns of evolution, dental and otherwise, in extinct mammalian predators (Metatheria, Sparassodonta) from South America.

It would be nice if as many as possible of you would attend, even in the middle of the summer season. The normal club meetings will start after mid-September.

After the meeting, we’ll go for a dinner to town, all welcome.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 6.8.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula


Kurtén Club 11.6.

Dear All,

tomorrow, we will have two talks:

Thomas Bertin will give a talk about

Experimental study of microwear using a mechanical masticator,

and Hui Tang will give an introductive lecture (relating to his doctoral defense) about

The spatio-temporal evolution of the Asian monsoon climate in the Late Miocene and its causes: A regional climate model study.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 11.6.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula

This will also be the last meeting of the spring/summer. Thank you all for the past year!


Kurtén Club 21.5.

Dear All,

tomorrow, Radoslaw Michallik will give a talk about

Our in-house electron microprobe- and scanning electron microscope- (EMPA & SEM) lab.

Time & Loc.:
16.00, 21.5.2013, C108 Physicum, Kumpula
