Tag Archives: Biodiversity

Three recent publications in Nature, PNAS and Nature Ecology and Evolution


Reconciling taxon senescence with the Red Queen’s hypothesis (Zliobaite, Fortelius, Stenseth)


About it:





Productivity, biodiversity, and pathogens influence the global hunter-gatherer population density (Tallavaara, Eronen, Luoto)


Press release in English:


Press release in Finnish:



The rise and fall of the Old World savannah fauna and the origins of the African savannah biome (Kaya, Bibi, Zliobaite, Eronen, Tang, Fortelius)

(Access unfortunately not provided by our university):


About it:


Club on Tue 17.11

Hi All,

next week Dr. Shan Huang from Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center will give us a talk about “Biodiversity dynamics in space and time: Deciphering the role of history”. All of you are warmly welcome to join the presentation and discussion!

Here’s a brief description of Shan:

I am interested in understanding broad-scale biodiversity dynamics, in space and time. My work takes an ecoinformatics approach of synthesizing large, often global, data sets of biogeographic, phylogenetic, and paleontological information to investigate processes that give rise to the dramatic temporal and spatial variation in different aspects of biodiversity, with an emphasis on deciphering the role of history in shaping the modern biota, including evolutionary history of the biotic components and historical environmental transitions. I have found that different systems have advantages for answering different questions about biodiversity, so I integrate knowledge from studying various organismal systems, including terrestrial mammals, marine bivalves, and parasites, to ask: 1) what key processes promote morphological and ecological diversity at different scales, and 2) how climate change influence biodiversity dynamics in space and time?

See you on Tue 17.11. cl. 16.00 in C108!
