Johanna Ilmakunnas wins a prize for her Ph.D. thesis

5th February 2011

Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland (The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland) has granted an award to Johanna Ilmakunnas for her Ph.D. thesis Kuluttaminen ja ylhäisaatelin elämäntapa 1700-luvun Ruotsissa (Consumption and the lifestyle of the high nobility in eighteenth-century Sweden). The Society was particularly impressed by Ilmakunnas’ careful archival research and her ability to analyse nobility’s lifestyle and cultural forms. Read more (in Swedish)

The study has been published in Finnish under the title Kartanot, kapiot, rykmentit: Erään aatelissuvun elämäntapa 1700-luvun Ruotsissa by the Finnish Literature Society. The Swedish translation of the book will be published in 2012 by the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland and Bokförlaget Atlantis.

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