Päivi Uljas defends her PhD thesis “Breakthrough of Finnish welfare state”

11th February 2012

MA Päivi Uljas defends her Ph.D thesis in the University of Helsinki in 11.2.2012. The title of her research is “Hyvinvointivaltion läpimurto – Pienviljelyhegemonian rapautumisen, kansalaisliikehdinnän ja poliittisen murroksen keskinäiset suhteet suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa 1950-luvun loppuvuosina” (A Breakthrough of Welfare State. The inter-relationships of the civic movement, political transformation, and eroding of a hegemony based on small scale farming in the Finnish society in the late 1950’s. ) Book is published and sold by Into Kustannus.

Read the summary of research (in English and in Finnish).



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