Event: 15 April “Finnish-Soviet trade” by Jyrki Koulumies and Risto Kangas-Ikkala

Jyrki Koulumies and Risto Kangas-Ikkala will giva a talk about Finnish-Soviet trade in the 1970s based on their personal experiences. Event takes place on Monday 15th of April 2013 at 2 pm (sharp) in Aleksanteri Institute at conference room (Unioninkatu 33, 2. krs).

They recently published a book “Kohtalona Kostamus. Risto Kangas-Ilkkalan muistelmat” (Siltala, 2012). Book challenges previous interpretations on how the Finns succeeded in selling and delivering large construction projects in Kostamus in the 1970s. According to the authors,  commercial skills and techical know-how played bigger role in landing the project than the interventionist politics by Urho Kekkonen.

All Welcome!

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