Author Archives: ekuorela

Event: 4 Dec 2012: “Capitalism and democracy” by Björn Wahlroos, Markku Kuisma, Juha Siltala and Niklas Jensen-Eriksen

4th of December 2012. ”Capitalism and democracy” panel discussion with the Chairman of the Board in Sampo Group, D.Sc Björn Wahlroos, professors Markku Kuisma, Juha Siltala and Niklas Jensen-Eriksen. All welcome! Light lunch is served after the discussion. Please pre-register … Continue reading

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New Book: Paperisydän (Oula Silvennoinen)

3rd December 2012 Paperisydän (Siltala) (Paper heart) is a biography of G. A. Serlachius, one of the most influential industry leaders in Finland between the World Wars. More information from the publisher’s website (In Finnish)

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Event: 19 Nov 2012: “Welfare state” by Olli Kangas

19 November 2012. Head of the Research Department in KELA and Adjunct Professor Olli Kangas (D.Pol.Sc.) will give a talk on ”Welfare State” at 16-18 PM at Unionkatu 38, Topelia, lecture room B107. No pre-registration, all welcome! Materials and more information

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The Finnish Association of Non-fiction Writers awards Mirkka Lappalainen

27th October 2012 The Finnish Association of Non-fiction Writers granted “Tietokirjailijapalkinto” award to Mirkka Lappalainen. More information (in Finnish)      

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Event: 17 Oct 2012: “Jared Diamond’s books” introduced by Päivi Uljas

17th of October 2012. We will discuss about Jared Diamond’s books Guns, germs and steel: The fates of human societes” (1997) and “Collapse: How societies choose to fail or succeed” (2005) introduced by Päivi Uljas. All welcome, no pre-registration. Event takes … Continue reading

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WSOY Literature Foundation awards Markku Kuisma

2nd October 2012 WSOY:n kirjallisuussäätiö (WSOY Literature Foundation) awarded Professor Markku Kuisma for his contributions in history research. Professor Kuisma, according to the jury, is known as a “skilled writer who opens new perspectives to economic history”. Foundation has granted … Continue reading

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Markku Kuisma awarded for his life’s work

12th September 2012 Ministry of Education and Culture awarded professor Markku Kuisma for his life’s work as an economic and business historian. Professor Kuisma has devoded his research career in studying business and society and his research themes cover a … Continue reading

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New Book: Jumalan vihan ruoska (Mirkka Lappalainen)

10th September 2012 Mirkka Lappalainen exlpores in her book Jumalan vihan ruoska. Suuri nälänhätä Suomessa 1695–1697 (Siltala) (The Whip of the God’s Wrath. Finland and the Great Famine in 1695-1697) the appalling history of the global cooling at the turn of … Continue reading

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New Book: Erehtymättömät (Kuisma & Keskisarja)

10th September 2012 In their book “Erehtymättömät. Tarina suuresta pankkisodasta ja liikepankeista Suomen kohtaloissa 1862-2012” (WSOY) (“The Infallibles. The great bank war and the commercial banks in Finland 1862-2012.”) Markku Kuisma and Teemu Keskisarja presents the history of the two … Continue reading

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Päivi Uljas defends her PhD thesis “Breakthrough of Finnish welfare state”

11th February 2012 MA Päivi Uljas defends her Ph.D thesis in the University of Helsinki in 11.2.2012. The title of her research is “Hyvinvointivaltion läpimurto – Pienviljelyhegemonian rapautumisen, kansalaisliikehdinnän ja poliittisen murroksen keskinäiset suhteet suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa 1950-luvun loppuvuosina” (A Breakthrough of … Continue reading

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