Category Archives: News

New research project to explore Cold War business history

29 November 2011 The Rector of the University of Helsinki has granted a three-year research grant (2012–2014) to the project Business, Governments and International Trade in Cold War Europe, which is led by Niklas Jensen-Eriksen. The university received in total 241 applications … Continue reading

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Urho Kekkosen 70-vuotisjuhlasäätiö awarded Markku Kuisma

26th October 2011 Professor Markku Kuisma’s book “Sodasta syntynyt: Itsenäisen Suomen synty Sarajevon laukauksista Tarton rauhaan 1914–1920″ (WSOY) explores Finnish history during the First World War when the country gained independence. The foundation, established in 1971 and named after the President of Finland … Continue reading

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State Award for Public Information to Teemu Keskisarja

7th Oct 2011 Docent Teemu Keskisarja’s book “Vihreän kullan kirous – G. A. Serlachiuksen elämä ja afäärit” (Siltala 2010) was awarded with State Award for Public Information (Valtion tiedonjulkistamispalkinto). “Vihreän kullan kirous” is a biography of the colourful industrialist G.A. Serlachius … Continue reading

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New Book: Saha (Markku Kuisma)

3rd October 2011 Professor Markku Kuisma presents in his new book Saha (Siltala) the 19th century modernization process in Finland through the rise of sawmill industry. According to professor Kuisma, the forestry industry — and sawmill industry in particular — led the … Continue reading

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Best Paper Prize to Elina Kuorelahti

2nd September 2011 Elina Kuorelahti won the Best Paper Prize at the 15th Annual Conference of the European Business History Association with her paper “Cartel conquistadors. Banks, Governments and Nordic timber industry 1928-1932.” Elina is part of “Business Elite – … Continue reading

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Johanna Ilmakunnas wins a prize for her Ph.D. thesis

5th February 2011 Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland (The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland) has granted an award to Johanna Ilmakunnas for her Ph.D. thesis Kuluttaminen ja ylhäisaatelin elämäntapa 1700-luvun Ruotsissa (Consumption and the lifestyle of the high nobility in eighteenth-century Sweden). The … Continue reading

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Several Prizes to Teemu Keskisarja

31st January 2011 Teemu Keskisarja has won several prizes for his new book Vihreän kullan kirous, a biography of the colourful industrialist G.A. Serlachius (1830–1901) Best History Book of the Year 2010 Prize by Historian Ystäväin Liitto, see more (in … Continue reading

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The Oskari Vilamo Prize to Markku Kuisma

25th November 2010 The Oskari Vilamo Prize, Oskari Vilamon rahasto, awarded to Markku Kuisma. More information (in Finnish).

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New Book: Reassessing Cold War Europe (eds. Autio-Sarasmo & Miklóssy)

4th October 2010 Reassessing Cold War Europe, edited by Sari Autio-Sarasmo and Katalin Miklóssy, presents a comprehensive reassessment of Europe in the Cold War period, 1945–1991. Contrary to popular belief, it shows that relations between East and West were based … Continue reading

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New Book: Finland – a child of the First World War (Markku Kuisma)

1st October 2010 Markku Kuisma’s new book Sodasta syntynyt. Itsenäisen Suomen synty Sarajevon laukauksista Tarton rauhaan 1914–1920 explores Finnish economic, political, cultural history during the First World War, when the country achieved independence. Kuisma gives particular attention to the role … Continue reading

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