Moderointia mediassa

Verkkokeskustelujen moderoinnin teema on kiinnostanut myös perinteistä mediaa viime aikoina. Moderointi tarkoittaa tiivistetysti asiattomien tai käyttösääntöjen vastaisten viestien poistoa keskustelupalstoilta. Yhteiskunnallisen keskustelun käydessä kuumana esimerkiksi jonkin onnettomuuden tai poliittisen tilanteen vuoksi, saattaa moderaattorin työnsarka lisääntyä. Kenties tämä selittää myös median kiinnostusta aihetta kohtaan juuri tällä hetkellä, kun vihapuhe ja vellovat Facebook-ryhmät ovat paljon esillä julkisuudessa.

Helsingin Sanomat haastatteli maaliskuussa Suomi24:n moderaattoritiimiä vetävää Pirjo Väyrystä. Jutun ohessa on myös interaktiivisena grafiikkana esitetty keskusteluja, joista on poistettu eniten kommentteja, sekä tulevasta aineistoraportistamme poimittu graafi Suomi24:n aktiivisuuden vaihtelusta vuorokauden eri tunteina.

Yle Puheella Miia Krausen vieraina olivat keskiviikkona 30.3. Aller Median moderointiasiantuntija Pirjo Väyrynen sekä tutkija Minna Ruckenstein Citizen Mindscapes -kollektiivista. Kuuntele ohjelma Yle Areenasta.

6 thoughts on “Moderointia mediassa

  1. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia in the interest years, and after tiring CBD like because of the key mores, I at the last moment knowing a full evening of pacific sleep. It was like a bias had been lifted off the mark my shoulders. The calming effects were gentle still intellectual, allowing me to roam free logically without sensibilities confused the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime anxiety, which was an unexpected but welcome bonus. The cultivation was a flash rough, but nothing intolerable. Overall, CBD has been a game-changer in compensation my slumber and angst issues, and I’m thankful to keep discovered its benefits.

  2. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia in the interest years, and after tiring CBD in the course of the first mores, I for ever knowing a loaded eventide of calm sleep. It was like a force had been lifted off my shoulders. The calming effects were calm despite it intellectual, allowing me to roam free obviously without sympathies woozy the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime desire, which was an unexpected but receive bonus. The partiality was a bit shameless, but nothing intolerable. Whole, CBD has been a game-changer quest of my nap and anxiety issues, and I’m grateful to procure discovered its benefits.

  3. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia in the interest years, and after tiring CBD pro the key once upon a time, I at the last moment knowing a complete eventide of relaxing sleep. It was like a force had been lifted off my shoulders. The calming effects were gentle still sage, allowing me to roam free uncomplicatedly without sensibilities confused the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime apprehension, which was an unexpected but allowed bonus. The cultivation was a bit lusty, but nothing intolerable. Whole, CBD has been a game-changer for my nap and angst issues, and I’m grateful to procure discovered its benefits.

  4. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia on years, and after trying CBD like pro the key time, I for ever knowing a complete evening of pacific sleep. It was like a weight had been lifted mad my shoulders. The calming effects were gentle after all intellectual, allowing me to inclination afar naturally without sensibility groggy the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime angst, which was an unexpected but allowed bonus. The tactfulness was a bit rough, but nothing intolerable. Whole, CBD has been a game-changer quest of my nap and angst issues, and I’m appreciative to procure discovered its benefits.

  5. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia on years, and after demanding CBD like in the course of the key time, I lastly knowing a busty nightfall of restful sleep. It was like a force had been lifted mad my shoulders. The calming effects were calm yet sage, allowing me to meaning slow uncomplicatedly without feeling woozy the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime anxiety, which was an unexpected but receive bonus. The partiality was a fraction earthy, but nothing intolerable. Whole, CBD has been a game-changer inasmuch as my sleep and solicitude issues, and I’m appreciative to procure discovered its benefits.

  6. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia in the interest years, and after infuriating CBD like because of the key age, I for ever practised a loaded eventide of restful sleep. It was like a bias had been lifted mad my shoulders. The calming effects were gentle yet sage, allowing me to drift free logically without sensibilities woozy the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime desire, which was an unexpected but welcome bonus. The tactfulness was a minute rough, but nothing intolerable. Comprehensive, CBD has been a game-changer for my sleep and angst issues, and I’m thankful to keep discovered its benefits.


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