Joint Christmas party and seminar – Sign up now!

Welcome to the joint Christmas party and seminar of FOTY and FDPD-P!

The Association of pharmacy teachers and researchers (FOTY) and the Pharmacy section of the Fin Pharma Doctoral Program (FPDP-P) will organize a joint seminar and Christmas party – the event will take place on Thursday 27 November in the form of an evening cruise on Eckerö Line m/s Finlandia! All members of FOTY and FPDP-P members in Helsinki and Kuopio are warmly welcomed to participate.

Preliminary program:

14:30 Gathering at the west harbor in Helsinki and boarding the ship

15.30 Program starts

19:00 Dinner buffet

21:45 Return to Helsinki

PRICE: 5 € for members of FOTY or FPDP-P including the cruise, seminar and dinner buffet with food and drinks. We have place for 40 participants, so make sure to book your place in time!

The deadline for REGISTRATION is Thursday October 23. Sign up for the event HERE

After you have completed the form, you will receive the instructions for payment.

We look forward to seeing you in November!