Making Sense of Census Data

Writer: Saara Kekki Previously, Justin wrote about searching for archival records, and Olli wrote about the detective work involved in finding some of the Sugar Island Finns in Finland. In this post, I will talk about what comes next, how to structure, clean, and verify the data we found. The foundation of our data are …

The Various Chapters in the Lives of Sugar Island Finns

Writer: Olli Saukko In this post, I continue with evaluating the process of researching the background of Sugar Island Finns. As the first post presented the sources and challenges of this research, this post concentrates on some of the findings I made during the process. The peaceful, harmonious and united Finnish community?   W hen …

Where did the Sugar Island Finns come from?

Writer: Olli Saukko I worked as a project researcher in the HUMANA project on its first year, 2019. My main task, with which I spent most of my time within the project, was to examine the background of the Finnish people that lived on Sugar Island in Michigan in the time period of this research, …

PI’s Diary 2019

January 2019: Project Launch  Now the HUMANA project has officially been launched. Our first seminar was held in Turku in collaboration with the Finnish Institute for Migration. Our Post-Doctoral Researcher Saara Kekki gave an overview of Dynamic Network modeling tools and Dr. Francis Flavin Discussed the use of Historical Big Data and network analysis. Check …